Going to Mexico for Dental Implants? Know the Types and Costs!

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted August 08, 2024
Consider Mexico for dental implants and save substantially on treatment bills. Bid farewell to worries of unsafe dental work and enjoy quality treatment by traveling south of the border. Continue reading to know the types, costs and other essential information for a successful dental implant trip in Mexico.
Going to Mexico for Dental Implants? Know the Types and Costs!
Going to Mexico for Dental Implants? Know the Types and Costs!

Key Takeaways

  • The choice of Mexico for dental implants offers an affordable and permanent fix for missing teeth concerns. 
  • Top-quality Mexican dental clinics offer various types of dental implants and procedures like bone grafts and sinus lifts.
  • The best Mexico dental implants price starts at $1,500 for implant, abutment and crown, which is far less than the US price of $5,500.    

Dental implants offer a natural-looking, long-lasting solution for missing or fallen teeth. They significantly improve your quality of life. Teeth implants do this by enhancing your abilities, like chewing and speaking with clarity. These metal screw-like devices will be implanted into your jawbone at the location where teeth have fallen off. With growing time, they behave like natural tooth roots. Typically, they integrate with the surrounding jawbone and form a strong bond by a process called osseointegration

Dental implants in a jaw
Dental Implants in a Jaw

While tooth loss is a major concern among aged Americans, many postpone their treatment due to pocket-burning implant treatment costs. On the other hand, dental implant surgery will be carried out in a stage-wise manner. Getting dental appointments indeed demands long wait times. You can escape the long wait times in your home country by choosing dental clinics in Mexico. This will be a smart choice to avoid those sky-high dental bills, too. Mexico dental implant costs are quite affordable than in your home country. Naturally, one feels apprehensive when considering healthcare abroad. However, knowing the pros and cons of the choice can make you feel confident about your decision. It's indeed true that Mexican dentistry is pretty popular among Americans. Tens of thousands cross the border each year in search of quality yet affordable dental work. Besides the top-notch quality of the Mexico dentist implants, you can expect a range of dental implant types at the Mexican dental clinics. Now, let’s look at the various types of dental implants in Mexico.

Standard Titanium Implants

These are small titanium screw-like devices that the dentist will implant into your jawbone. They bear a small connector called the abutment, which holds the artificial tooth or crown. These single implants can fill the gap left by one missing tooth. Titanium is a bioinert material and can rarely cause immune reactions after implant surgery. Besides, the material is hardy and durable. The rate of fractures or infections after getting titanium implants is very low.[1] This makes them an ideal choice for many edentulous patients. The disadvantage of titanium implants is the grey metal body. The dark color of implants claims the natural look in those with thin gingival biotypes.[2]

Titanium Dental Implants
Titanium Dental Implants 

The titanium Mexico teeth implants price begins at around $790 for one single piece. This price, along with the standard abutment and crown, will cost you $1,500 to fix one missing tooth gap. This Mexico dentist implant price is quite less when compared to the Stateside price of $5,500. So, choosing titanium dental implants at the Mexican dental clinic will save you up to 72% on dental bills. 

Pure Ceramic Implants

Ceramics like zirconia are gaining popularity alongside titanium. Typically, titanium implants show dark streaks if your gum tissue is thin. The white-bodied zirconia implants are an effective alternative for thin gums. The ceramic white color offers a more aesthetic look. In addition, their metal-free composition makes it an ideal choice for individuals prone to metal allergies. Because of their aesthetics and metal-free chemical nature, they are relatively expensive compared to standard titanium implants. The average cost of dental implants in Mexico falls around $2,210 for one implant with abutment and crown. This Mexican dental implant price is pretty affordable compared to the Stateside price of $6,000. This choice will save you up to 65% on dental bills. However, these carry a disadvantage in that they are prone to fractures and are relatively less durable.[3] 

Ceramic Dental Implants
Ceramic Dental Implants

Dental implants fill missing gaps left by fallen teeth. Would you wonder when we mention that getting dental implants in Mexico also restores the functions of an entire edentulous jaw?  Hop on the upcoming setion to learn more on it. 

Full Mouth Dental Implants in Mexico

Full mouth restoration in Mexico is your solution for multiple missing teeth from one single jaw. The dentist will fix multiple tooth implants in various designated positions to support a bridge or fixed arch denture.[4] The implants will be strategically positioned to distribute the weight of the entire prosthesis for added strength and support. Your dentist will examine your bone health and oral health. By doing so, they will determine the right number of implants and prostheses your jaw would need. Here are the various types of popular full-mouth restorative procedures in Mexico. 

  • All-on-4 dental implants in Mexico: Your dentist will place four dental implants in a jaw to support a temporary full-arch prosthesis. These four implants will integrate with the jawbone and form a strong bond. After complete healing, the dentist will fix a customized hybrid prosthesis that behaves like natural teeth. Two of the four implants are placed at an angle of 45°. The angular placement of implants ensures maximum surface contact with the jawbone, adding stability and support. The best part is that all-on-4 is a graftless procedure. The angular positioning of implants draws extra stability. Concerning prices, the cheapest all-on-4 dental implants in Mexico costs begin at $7,110 in Cancun. This price for four standard implants includes a fixed, full-arch fixed hybrid denture. Since Mexico offers a range of choices, you can expect premium options on the implant brands. The cost of 4 on 1 dental implants in Mexico can go as high as $8,950 and $9,710 if you choose brands like Nobel Biocare and Straumann. The exact price of all-on-4 dental implants in Mexico varies with the city and clinic you choose. In Mexico, it can cost you the highest at Tijuana dental clinics, at a price of $13,500. On the other hand,  getting the same in the US will cost you at least $26,000, a price double Mexico’s highest cost!
  • All-on-6 dental implants in Mexico:  Your dentist will fix six dental implants in a jaw to support a full arch prosthesis. The best part of having all-on-6 implants is that the extra implants provide extra support for the prosthesis. Further, if your jawbone is found to be insufficient to support the implants, your dentist will perform a bone graft. Typically, factors like city, clinic, implant brand, and prosthesis type influence the all-on-6 costs in Mexico. Ideally Mexico clinics offer all-on-6 implants of different trusted brands like Nobel Biocare, MIS, and BHI. All-on-6 implants in the States costs begin at around $28,000. Contrastingly, in Mexico, all-on-6 implant costs begin at around $7,850 and can go as high as $14,499 per jaw. By choosing Mexico, you will save considerably for fixing your edentulous jaws using all-on-6 implants. 
  • 3-on-6 dental implants in Mexico: This type of full mouth rehabilitation in Mexico utilizes six dental implants to support three dental bridges. Dental bridge are simply sets of teeth held in a row. They miss the acrylic gum-like portion borne on the dentures. This reduces the weight of the prosthesis and offers a comfortable feel when wearing. These bridges will be fixed permanently on the jaws and cannot be confused with the removable dentures. 3-on-6 dental implants in Mexico cost you $11,000 per arch. This price includes 6 implants and 3 bridges. You have a choice of highly aesthetic zirconia bridges and Straumann implants, which cost you $13,000 per arch. Further, some clinics also offer inclusive prices for shuttle transport and accommodation. 
  • Zygomatic dental implants in Mexico: These are an option if you have a history of failed bone graft or sinus augmentation or failed traditional dental implants for a single arch. Suppose your jawbone is completely resorbed and cannot support upcoming implants; the dentist will fix longer zygoma implants that anchor into the cheek bone or zygoma. Nowadays, many dentists fix immediate-loading prosthesis. Rarely, zygomatic implants are associated with complications like sinusitis. However, zygoma implants are associated with a long drilling distance. Experienced and skilled dentists can perform the procedure safely without complications. Further, efficient diagnosis is also essential for the success of the treatment.[5] The cost of getting zygomatic dental implants in Mexico falls around $13,950 per arch.

Overall, the cost of full-mouth dental implants in Mexico ranges between $7,100 and $14,499 per jaw. The exact cost depends on the implant number, brand, type, and additional procedures one requires. Besides affordable Mexican implant prices, the best part is the all-inclusive dental implants Mexico. Mexican dentists offer price inclusions on diagnostic tests, post-op medicine, follow-up care, transport shuttle, and hotel stays. And you don’t have to compromise on the treatment quality. Many top dentists and dental clinics in Mexico employ advanced dental technology for effective diagnosis. The quality of the jawbone and sound oral health is essential for implant success. Depending on the jawbone density, your dentist will plan the treatment strategically, so the implants after surgery will continue long-lasting results without failure. If you are worried about traveling to Mexico for dental implants, our following section is of help.  

Is It Safe To Get Dental Implants in Mexico?

Going to Mexico for dental implants is safe when you choose a qualified and skilled dentist with enough experience. Many reputed dental clinics in Mexico utilize state-of-the-art technology for dental diagnosis and evaluation. They are handled by or employ only qualified dental professionals. Remember that the best dentist in Mexico for implants conducts an in-depth examination to confirm your candidacy. They will perform any additional procedures that are required to support the implant or improve jawbone quality. Furthermore, choosing an experienced dentist has the advantage that they handle some of the complicated cases with  years of experience. 

Mexican Dentist in Action
Mexican Dentist in Action

So, you don’t have to worry about the safety of treatment when you choose experienced and qualified dentists in Mexico for dental implants. 

If you are wondering how should I go to Mexico for dental implants, we've got your covered. At Envoy Health we partner with top providers after thorough vetting. Sign up with our platform and gain access to endless healthcare support. Take first step towards better oral health as we hold your hand at every turn. 


  1. Titanium Dental Implants: An Overview of Applied Nanobiotechnology to Improve Biocompatibility and Prevent Infections
  2. Zirconia Implants: A Mapping Review
  3. Zirconia Dental Implants; The Relationship Between Design And Clinical Outcome: A Systematic Review
  4. Full Mouth Dental Implants
  5. Zygomatic implants


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Going to Mexico for dental implants is a worthy decision. You can save up to 70% on various types of the best Mexican dental implants. More importantly, the quality of the results is no less than that delivered at a Stateside dental office. Plus, some clinics offer amenities like complimentary accommodation, airport pickup and drop-off, and initial diagnosis. More importantly, you can expect implants from top brands like Nobel Biocare, Straumann, MIS, and BHI Shark. 


    Mexican cities like Los Algodones, Tijuana, Cancun and Playa del Carmen are good places to  get dental implants. These cities are relatively safe and have some top-notch dental clinics offering dental services for international patients. 


    Getting dental implants in Mexico will take several months with two dental visits separated by healing phase. Your dentist will provide the exact time dental implant line details tailored for your oral condition.  


    Mexico dental implants prices are quite cheaper than in the United States. The main reason for cheap implant prices in Mexico is the country’s low cost of living. Mexican cost of living is far lower with low house rents and salaries for medical staff. Further, many top clinics in Mexico have in-house dental laboratories. They do not rely on third-party services for prosthesis preparation or diagnostic tests. This further reduces the middleman costs, which usually add up in US dental offices. 


    The cost of full set of dental implants in Mexico ranges between $7,100 and $14,499 per jaw. The exact cost of getting Mexico full dental implants depends on the city, clinic, implant type, number, and brand you choose. Further, you also get all-inclusive dental implants Mexico packages with various amenities.


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