Should You Get Dental Implants in Mexico?

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted June 18, 2024
Are you looking for convenient options to fix your teeth? Teeth implants in Mexico could be the solution you need! If you’re feeling daunted and worried about why should you get dental implants in Mexico. Don’t worry, this article is for you. It covers all the essential details you’ll need to know as a first-time dental traveler to Mexico.
Should You Get Dental Implants in Mexico?
Should You Get Dental Implants in Mexico?

Key Takeaways

  • Dental implants in Mexico costs are lower when compared to other countries. Tens and thousands of Americans choose this option to fix their missing teeth problems. 
  • Mexico offers a diverse range of quality implants at the best prices at top clinics. 
  • Research well and understand the pros and cons of implant treatment in Mexico. Dental implants in Mexico reviews are one great way to measure the quality of care.

While the Stateside Dentistry is pretty expensive, teeth implants are costly mainly due to material and surgery costs. Further, the procedure also demands long wait times. If you ask us, Is Mexico good for dental implants? The answer is here. For someone planning to escape the budget concerns, dental implants in Mexico are a go-to solution. This easy-on-pocket option is available on a flexible schedule. 

Here is another question that many patients ask us. “Is it safe to get dental implants in Mexico?” We’ve answered it here for you. The safety of dental implants Mexico lies in choosing a reliable dental professional. A qualified dentist adopts safe protocols for your Mexican teeth implants. While some misinformation on the safety of dental implants exists, many Americans still choose them. All because Mexico dental implants not only deal with low prices. They have much more to offer. Let’s look at the offerings that Mexican teeth implants bring to your table. 

Reasonable-Priced Implants Beyond the Border

Dental implants in Mexico costs are affordable when compared to the Stateside prices. The low implant costs in Mexico are mainly due to its low cost of living. For instance, the cheapest all-on-4 dental implants in Mexico are priced at $8,100. In the United States, getting the same will cost you around $24,000, an amount three times higher. All-on-4 is just one among many other implant treatments. By choosing Mexico for implants, you will save up to 70% on dental treatment. 

Here is the best part about the savings on Mexican teeth implants. The savings aren’t just confined to the treatment. Some top clinics oriented to dental tourism offer all-inclusive implants in Mexico. They include hotel stays, shuttle transport, consultations, diagnostic tests, and post-op medicines. This varies depending on the clinic and the price they offer. 

All-inclusive Dental Implant Packages in Mexico
All-Inclusive Dental Implant Packages in Mexico

Dental tourists benefit from the price inclusions offered in the implant treatment packages. This is because getting an implant is not an overnight treatment. It requires a stay for a few days and 2-3 clinic visits. Finding accommodation and dealing with local transport in a foreign land is, of course, difficult for dental tourists. Hence, these aspects of price inclusions make your overall experience less worrisome and more convenient.

Diverse Options Tailored to Your Needs

Mexico offers a range of dental implant treatments. Whether it’s single tooth loss or multiple tooth loss, Mexico has solutions for teeth loss issues. Depending on the teeth loss and aesthetic concerns, the Mexican clinics offer varying implant types. You can choose among various trusted brands of titanium and zirconia implants. Besides, you get all-on-4, all-on-6, 3-on-6, snap-on-dentures, and implant-supported crowns. Your choices don’t end with this. You also get different prostheses, like hybrid fixed arch dentures, acrylic dentures, zirconia hybrid bridges, and zirconia hybrid dentures. By offering a wider range of dental implant options, Mexico provides tailored treatment for your dental needs. 

Dental implants types
Dental Implants and Crowns in Mexico

Quality Treatment With Long-Lasting Results

Mexican low implant prices don’t imply a compromised quality. These are the best you can do for your teeth, when you approach the right dentist. We understand it can be frightening when you hear failure stories of implant treatment in Mexico. However, its worth noting that the chances of treatment failure arise when you get it done from a wrong professional. Dental implant treatment is a surgical procedure. Its success relies on precision and the dentist's expertise in choosing the right candidate. Individuals with insufficient jawbone or habits like smoking and clenching teeth are not eligible for implants.[1]

Underqualified dentists can perform the procedure for ineligible patients in the lure of money. However, the best dentist in Mexico for implants conducts an effective diagnosis. They can perfectly assess the candidate's ability to recover from a dental implant surgery. Furthermore, they utilize advanced dental tools to place the implants accurately. Taking care of all these concerns, dental implant surgery yields effective and long-lasting results

All you need to do as a dental tourist is to research well and reach out to a qualified and experienced professional.

Well-Maintained Top-Notch Clinics

Few patients doubt if Mexican clinics maintain cleanliness like those in the States. However, you don’t have to doubt over entire Mexican dentistry. Many reputed Mexican clinics maintain global standards of sterilization. Sterilization standards here are no less than those maintained at the American clinics. Because they maintain higher standards, the chances of infection and implant failure are considerably less. Further, some clinics have on-site dental laboratories with highly skilled technicians. Labs are equipped with advanced technology like dental lasers, CJ-Optik Flexion advanced microscopes, dental X-rays, Carestream 9600, and intraoral scanners. 

Dental lab in Mexico
Technician Working at a Dental Lab in Mexico

Quality isn’t just confined to clinics or the technology they use. Getting dental implants at Mexican clinics is safe, too. The clinics don’t use cheap materials for dental work. Instead, they use high-quality dental materials that are no less than those used at the Stateside clinics. For instance, you can expect internationally trusted implant brands like Straumann and Nobel Biocare at Mexican clinics. 

Language and Cultural Barriers

Mexico is closely located to the United States. Reaching here is super convenient. While the border transit procedures are simple, many reputed dental clinics are located in major cities that have access to international airports. You can choose to drive or fly. Dental work in Mexico much based on what works best for you. 

Now you know all the benefits of getting dental implants in Mexico. Have you switched from “Should I go to Mexico for dental implants” to “When” should I get dental implants in Mexico? We understand. Who doesn’t want a blend of affordability and quality? But here is the answer: you can plan your dental implant work based on your availability. All you need to do is 

  • Find the best dentist in Mexico
  • Schedule an online consultation
  • Obtain a treatment plan
  • Plan your travel in advance

Choosing the best place to get dental implants in Mexico is easy and convenient with Envoy Health. Experience the comfort of having full support. We hold you hand in hand and stand by your side at every step of the way. Sign up now and let us ease your dental experience and make it more comfortable.


  1. Smoking and Dental Implants: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Cities like Los Algodones, Cancun and Tijuana are safe and most chosen for dental work in Mexico. 


    The average cost of dental implants in Mexico is quite reasonable. While the exact price depends on the implant number, type, and brand, it can fall anywhere between $1,500 and $13,310.


    Going to Mexico for dental work is definitely worth the trip. You can save anywhere up to 70% on dental bills for top quality treatment. Qualified and certified dentists will perform your dental work in Mexico. 


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