

Ophthalmology is a medical branch that focuses on the care of your eyes and vision. It deals with the evaluation, treatment, and prevention of issues related to your visual system. In simple words, it's all about eye care. Doctors who specialize in this field are called "Ophthalmologists". They have training in medical school as well as a specialized residency in eye health, so they know what's going on when something is wrong with our eyes. Their approach combines both medicine and surgery to address a wide range of issues. The goal is to preserve and improve their patient's overall eye health and vision. So, it's no surprise that many doctors recommend regular visits to ophthalmologists for regular check-ups.

Common Conditions Diagnosed/Treated

  1. Problems with Vision

Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are three of the most common refractive errors that affect vision.

Myopia is the medical term for near vision, and people who have it struggle to see far-away objects while closer objects appear clear. Hyperopia is the opposite of myopia and makes nearby objects blurry while distant ones remain clear. Astigmatism stems from an irregularly shaped eye, which leads to blurred vision regardless of how close or far objects are.

Fortunately, there are numerous ways to fix these problems. Eyewear and contact lenses can be used to bend light so that when it enters your eye, it focuses appropriately. This solution helps people see clearly again but doesn’t fix their root issue.

That’s where things like LASIK, PRK, and SMILE come in. These treatments reshape the cornea (the clear front part of the eye), which allows you to focus better overall without being dependent on the eye accessories with no more compromise with their looks.

  1. Cataracts

As we age, our bodies start to weaken— this includes our eyesight, too. One condition that pops up in old age quite frequently is cataract, which causes clouding or fogging over your natural lens. Thankfully, doctors have figured out how to perform surgery in order to replace the defective lens with an artificial one.

This surgery is called cataract surgery and involves removing your original hazy lens before putting in a new intraocular lens (IOL). The procedure is usually very short, so patients can expect to go home on the same day they get operated on.

Once home, they almost feel no pain but will be asked to use prescribed eye drops to prevent infection, wear sunglasses to protect from bright light, and not do any heavy lifting for a few weeks post-op.

  1. Glaucoma

The term glaucoma refers to several ocular disorders that can permanently damage your optic nerve if left unattended long enough. People who suffer from it typically have high intraocular pressure in their eyes, which must be lowered before any more harm is done.

It’s worth noting that glaucoma is a progressive condition, so the sooner you get to it, the better. Damage caused by this condition won’t heal over time, so if left unattended, it will continue to get worse.

The good news is there are a few different ways your eye doctor can help treat high pressure in your eyes. Medicated eye drops work tremendously, but sometimes laser surgery is required. After getting diagnosed and treated for glaucoma, it’s important to continue going back for regular checkups so that symptoms don’t start showing until later on.

  1. Retinal Disorders

Optometrists and ophthalmologists both can diagnose people with retinal issues. The severity can range from mild conditions like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic eye disease (diabetic retinopathy) to more serious ones like tears or detachments, which are usually caused by trauma or other medical problems.

Thanks to their specialized knowledge and skill set, our eye doctors can conduct thorough exams that find any possible signs pointing to retinal issues. They also offer and explain what treatment options should be taken. By following these options, you can help prevent further complications and save your vision.

  1. Corneal Conditions

The cornea, being the outermost layer of the eye, is susceptible to various conditions and injuries that can affect its health and function. These issues include infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi, which can lead to redness, pain, and vision impairment.

Inherited corneal disorders such as Fuchs' dystrophy, keratoconus, and lattice corneal dystrophy can also cause irregularities in the cornea's shape and thickness, leading to blurry or distorted vision.

Trauma to the eye, such as scratches, cuts, or blows, can also damage the cornea and affect its ability to refract light properly. In short, any condition or injury that affects the clarity and transparency of the cornea falls into this category.

  1. Eye Alignment and Focus Abnormalities

Strabismus, also known as crossed eyes or wandering eyes, is a condition in which the eyes are not correctly aligned with each other. This can cause an individual to have double vision or difficulty seeing in three dimensions.

Amblyopia, or lazy eye, is a condition in which one eye is weaker than the other, and the brain begins to rely more on the stronger eye. This can lead to decreased vision in the weaker eye. Both strabismus and amblyopia can occur in adults or children and can lead to a variety of visual problems if left untreated.

Eye Surgeries You Can Get Done Abroad

  1. The Real Cataract Surgery:

  • Cataracts are a common issue that many people experience at some point in their life. Our eye surgeons can reverse this by removing the cloudy lens and inserting an artificial one in its place.
  • Some of the top eye care centers, such as those found in Tijuana, Mexico, have specialized cataract surgery teams that focus on providing excellent pre-surgery assessments and treatment, as well as post-surgery care. They strive for the best recovery possible for their patients.
  1. LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) Surgery

  • LASIK makes use of lasers to perform eye surgery. Millions of people have undergone this procedure to correct their less-than-perfect vision. A laser to reshape your cornea so it focuses light onto your retina properly, hopefully eliminating your need for glasses or contacts.
  • There are many ophthalmologists located in Tijuana and Mexico who specialize in modern laser techniques. Through Envoy health, anyone considering LASIK at any of these clinics will receive detailed pre-surgery consultations and superior aftercare from trained medical professionals.
  1. Corneal Transplantation

  • Damaged corneas cause massive issues when we're trying to see things clearly, but sometimes, the only way to fix them is through transplantation or replacing them with healthy donor tissue. So, if someone's other treatments haven't been working, they might need a transplant.
  • Top-tier corneal transplantation services are offered in specialized partner eye care centres located in Tijuana, Mexico. The centres work alongside skilled surgeons and boast comprehensive diagnostic and treatment facilities. 
  • By partnering with global organizations and contributing to the advancement of research and education, these clinics help push the envelope for corneal transplantation and patient care.
  1. Vitrectomy Eye Surgery

  • There are a lot of diseases that can affect the gel-filled interior of your eye. If left unchecked, it could lead to things like retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, macular holes, or bleeding. 
  • When you get vitrectomy surgery, doctors remove any damaged or infected areas so that you can either preserve or recover your vision. Our expert vitreoretinal surgeons also provide vitrectomy surgery in their specialized clinics located in Tijuana, Mexico.
  1. Eye Evisceration Surgery

  • It is a surgery that some people may need if they have severe eye problems or pain that can't be treated with medicine. In Cancun, the most popular city for medical tourism, patients can get this surgery done by very skilled eye surgeons. 
  • During the surgery, doctors carefully remove the inside of the eye while keeping the outer shell and muscles intact. Then, they put in a particular implant to keep the eye looking normal. 
  • After the surgery, patients need to be careful and avoid some activities while they heal. This is how the patient gets a remarkable fake eye that looks like a natural eye. 
  • Cancun is a great place to have this surgery because it has top-ranked and reputed hospitals, along with being a beautiful place to relax and recover. 
  • The doctors and nurses will make sure everything goes well and that patients feel comfortable. Many people choose to travel to Cancun for this surgery because they know they'll get the best care possible.


Ophthalmology abroad offers a wealth of opportunities for patients seeking advanced eye care and surgical interventions. Whether it's cataract surgery, LASIK procedures, corneal transplantation, vitrectomy, or eye evisceration surgery, the patients can benefit from access to world-class facilities, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective treatment options at destinations like Tijuana and Cancun, Mexico.

Envoy health acts as a connecting link between you and healthcare providers so that you can seek recommendations and communicate effectively to ensure a safe and satisfactory medical tourism experience.

So what is stopping you? Contact us for any treatment-related queries.

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