

Orthopedic surgery or orthopedics is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system.

What is Orthopedic Surgery?

Orthopedic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. Joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves are all part of the musculoskeletal system. 

Physicians with expertise in treating and correcting a wide range of orthopedic conditions through surgery are known as orthopedic surgeons.

Is the cost of orthopedic care prompting you to look for options abroad? 

Let this guide enlighten you on the medical tourism opportunities for orthopedic treatments provided by Envoy health.


How Having Joint Surgery Overseas Can Cut Costs and Waiting Times?

It's imperative to be well-informed about these and other advantages, and we've presented the primary five for you here.

  1. Significant savings

  2. Minimal wait times

  3. Opulent medical care 

  4. Vacation coupled with surgery

  5. Perks from Medical Travel Agencies

Significant Savings

There is a massive difference in the cost of having orthopedic surgery abroad. For instance, total knee replacement operation costs around $20,000 in Mexico, it only charges $9,000 in Mexico while

Moreover, U.S. hip replacement surgery price is almost 21% higher ($16,000) than in Mexico. A medical bill can be less than half of amount or even lower than a U.S. one.



United States

Knee Replacement Surgery



Hip Replacement Surgery


$25,000 to $74,000

Hip Joint Resurfacing Surgery



Shoulder Replacement



ACL Reconstruction



Knee Arthroscopy



Labor charges can make everything about the hospital process difficult, from paying for your bed to buying you a breakfast. Overall, surgical operations are cheaper in many other countries than in America.

Thus, those who do not have Insurance or cannot afford treatment in the USA might consider seeking assistance from abroad. Izmir in Turkey has already developed a reputation for affordable hip replacement rates.

Minimal Wait Times

Prolonged waiting times can exacerbate health conditions. Apponitments for specialist consultations in Canada can take upto 10.2 weeks, and in the USA, this is around 9.4 weeks. However, the period from consultation to treatment can take even more time in canada.

The good news is that you can find quick and accessible medical consultations in countries like India and Mexico, where one can schedule treatments for any week.

Opulent Medical Care

Many international hospitals offer patients services similar to those at a spa. Why forfeit an opportunity to have oneself pampered at a hospital that looks like a five-star hotel?

Additionally, these facilities often provide personal nursing care, resulting in promptness of service. This happens as a result of improved staff-to-patient ratios that yield exact results quickly.

Vacation Coupled With Surgery

What about walking along local beaches or exploring neighborhoods before your orthopedic surgery? Make use of this chance for your long-awaited vacation.

Besides, regions known for affordable, high-quality orthopedic services also provide plenty of entertaining activities. For example, when you get to Mexico, you will be able to enjoy local tacos and other exquisite dishes offered by Mexicans.

That being said, having discussed the advantages of going overseas for orthopedic operations, one may now be wondering where precisely such surgeries can be best performed?

Perks From Medical Travel Agencies

Several insurance companies have started supporting medical tourism to help patients save money.

Envoy health now operate programs where a case manager is assigned to a patient to help with everything such as:

  • Accommodation

  • Airport transfers

  • Appointments with accredited medical facilities

  • All-inclusive vacation packages

[This package deal encompasses all surgical expenses, including the fees for the surgeon, anesthesia, DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) pump, implant costs, and medications. Additionally, it includes accommodation costs, typically for a duration of up to five days]

These services can be accessed by any person who does not have Insurance. As you can see, think of the case manager as a personal attendant for ensuring your convenience.

What is the premier destination for orthopedic surgery?

While orthopedic surgery abroad is generally less expensive than in the United States, it is crucial to select the correct country. Below is a list of the top five countries for orthopedic surgery:


Many American tourists prefer visiting Mexico because it is very cheap for U.S. citizens to travel there. The fact that Mexico has a lower cost of living compared to the USA, ensures that expenditures there are only a fractional part of what they would be in America, thereby increasing the affordability of the entire journey.

Also, if you want Mexico's fine shopping and beaches, coupled with its great food, you can take a long enough leave to enjoy all these goodies without feeling broke.


India is known for being a country with a lower cost of living and many well-trained doctors and surgeons. Although this may be more expensive in relation to airfare from North America, it is an attractive alternative for Australians requiring medical treatment overseas. Once there, the experience shows that Indian surgeons are professional enough, and most of them have been trained in the USA.

This implies that you will get good surgery services in India as compared to the United States.  Also, India's economic viability extends less day to day and medical expenses and affordable living place, especially when compared to the U.S.A. regarding orthopedic surgeries. 


In Western Europe, Spain appears to be one such cheap travel destination. After surgery, a perfect place to relax would be somewhere with beautiful beaches and vibrant culture, like Spain. It has several museums where one can learn about its heritage. The universities of Barcelona and Valencia are known for training some of the best surgeons in Spain.

In addition to that, most hospitals in Spain offer services through their primary language as English, meaning that they are primarily advantageous to people coming from countries like the United States or Canada.

Consequently, this helps in communication clarity, thereby overcoming any language barriers while avoiding possible misunderstandings around the healthcare center premises involving both patients and healthcare providers at an international level.


Turkey is often known as the gateway between Europe and Asia. It offers budget-friendly but high-quality medical care to both its citizens and tourists. While it might be one of the more expensive options on this list, Turkey prides itself on having state-of-the-art facilities and best surgeons in the world enhancing a better healthcare experience.

Costa Rica

Traveling from the United States or Canada to Costa Rica is generally cheap, like going to Mexico. Another advantage is that, compared with other countries, costs of living are relatively low; for instance, approximately $16,000 a year would enable someone to live comfortably in Costa Rica, unlike cases where some American cities such as Seattle require $84,000.

Therefore, even when financing your trip through a loan, Costa Rica appears to be an option worth considering. This difference makes expenses associated with orthopedic surgery (accommodation, transport, and food) minimal. And it would be a mistake if you do not take time off your busy schedule to enjoy nature's paradise while in Costa Rica!

Step 1: Checking for Insurance.

Plan your global orthopedic surgery by assessing the financial plan at the beginning. If you have coverage, confirm if it covers overseas medical care.

Ask these questions to your insurer:

  1. Do my insurance cover for orthopedic surgeries done outside this country?

  2. Is there full coverage or partial coverage?

  3. What is the limited coverage provided?

  4. Does my insurer pay directly to a foreign medical facility?

  5. In terms of my policy, what areas are covered geographically?

For those without Insurance, arranging a payment scheme is advisable. Many health centers allow patients to spread out the payments over a period of time. Since procedures are generally less expensive in other countries than in the U.S., the installments are usually more affordable. Another approach to take would be to consider other funding options by which you can access treatment beyond borders.

Step 2: Selecting the Appropriate Hospital and Surgeons

To make the next move, you should consider doing elaborate research. Spend time exploring the websites of different hospitals specializing in orthopedic surgery.

Evaluate surgeons' qualifications, read feedback from former patients, and note the prices of services offered. Make a list of potential options after having gone through several sites.

Contact them via email or video consultations to know if they are suitable for your needs. This is the best opportunity to ask any personal questions you may have in mind at this moment.

Our purpose is to help you locate the right surgeon within your own country if possible. The hospitals and surgeons we suggest are known for their high level of patient satisfaction.

Step 3: Organize Your Medical Journey

After confirming your Insurance and choosing a hospital and surgeon, you should organize your travel arrangements. Consider it like planning for a holiday. Make sure you have that all relevant documents, such as:

  • Air tickets

  • Insurance papers

  • Photocopies of identity cards

  • Driving licence

Some of the world's leading orthopedic surgery centers:

Max Healthcare

A premier medical institution in India with more than 3,000 highly regarded professionals.

They offer cost-effective solutions aimed at establishing themselves as India's leading healthcare provider.

Fortis Healthcare

There are 36 Fortis facilities across India, UAE, and Sri Lanka, making it a strong network. These include:

  • More than 4000 available beds

  • Over 400 diagnostic centers

  • A committed staff totaling 23,000


The Quironsalud is one of Spain's chief healthcare facilities, being a veteran in arthroscopy surgery for over three decades and running more than 70 medical centers nationwide. Their top-quality healthcare is backed up by their team of finest professionals and modern technology.

Hospital Clínica Bíblica

Hospital Clínica Bíblica prides itself on being Costa Rica's oldest orthopedic healthcare facility, offering special services. They have a team of more than 80 specialized doctors focused on meeting the needs of their patients in terms of health.

JIS Orthopedics

For more than half a century, JIS Orthopedics has been known as the leading provider of orthopedic care in the Midwest. In striving to improve patient’s  quality of life, they apply exceptional strategies to manage musculoskeletal conditions and concentrate on finding new treatments through continuous research.

Anadolu Medical Center

Located in Turkey, Anadolu Medical Center is an exceptional hospital that specializes in orthopedic surgery. With a total floor area exceeding 188000 square meters and a bed capacity consisting of 201 units, they are well-prepared to offer comprehensive medical treatment to their patients.

Top-Rated International Orthopedic Doctors

Dr. Jesus Irineo Gallarzo Ramirez

An orthopedic and trauma surgeon from Mexico, Dr. Jesus Irineo Gallarzo Ramirez, speaks both Spanish and English. He operated on many Americans who have gone to Mexico for their orthopedic procedures.

Dr. Max Greig

Dr. Max Greig is an Orthopedic Surgeon (Mexican Board Certified) residing in Guadalajara, Mexico. He is also a top surgeon in the best hospitals of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Dr. Hans Ruiz Serna

Dr. Hans Ruiz Serna is an excellent orthopedic and trauma surgeon from Tijuana, Mexico. Many of them did successful bone and joint operations including fractures and hip replacement surgery.

Various Orthopaedic Procedures Available Internationally

Some common worldwide practices in this field include:

Knee Surgery

  • Knee replacement surgery
  • Meniscus tear/repair surgery
  • ACL/PCL repair surgery
  • Patellar tendon surgery
  • Knee arthroscopy
  • Knee Amputation

Hip Surgery

  • Hip replacement surgery
  • Hip arthroscopy 
  • Hip abductor repair surgery
  • Hip resurfacing surgery

Shoulder Surgery

  • Shoulder resurfacing surgery
  • Shoulder tendon/ligament repair
  • Rotator cuff repair in mexico
  • Shoulder arthroscopy
  • Shoulder replacement

Ankle and foot surgery

Hand Surgery

  • Elbow surgery
  • Carpel tunnel decompression


  • Gold injections for knee pain
  • Platelet rich plasma therapy
  • Ozone discolysis
  • Leg and toe amputations

To Conclude

Undergoing orthopedic surgery in a foreign country can be more cost-effective compared to the United States, as it offers a chance for a much-needed and a pocket friendly holiday post-operation. So, what’s stopping you from getting your luxury treatment holiday booked with us?

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