Is It Worth Going to Mexico for Dental Implants?

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted April 10, 2024
Escape the burden of hefty dental bills! Discover budget-friendly alternatives lying south of the border. Crossing boundaries can save you big while ensuring top-notch treatment. Read on to learn if it's worth going to Mexico for dental implants.
Mexico for Dental Implants
Mexico for Dental Implants

Key Takeaways 

  • Dental treatment costs in Mexico are far lower than in the United States, and you can save big on dental implants. They are worth every penny. 
  • Besides affordability, these cheap dental implants in Mexico offer a myriad of benefits. Here, you’ll receive top-quality treatment from skilled dental professionals without more prolonged waiting times. 
  • Plus, it is an opportunity for a refreshing vacation that offers a break from the usual hustle and bustle of daily life.

Dental implants are like magic wands to bring back that joy of biting into your favorite fried chicken without a care in the world. However, the prices can be exorbitant in your home country, often reaching staggering amounts.  For instance, a single teeth implant in the United States can cost you $5,500. The prices skyrocket if you choose an all-on-4 or full-mouth implants to replace multiple missing teeth. Moreover, most insurance plans won’t even bat an eye unless you need it as a medical necessity. In addition, the long waiting times at the local dentist's office can elevate discomfort. Instead of letting your teeth suffer, and your bank account cry in agony, why not look out for warmer alternatives?

Places like Mexico, Costa Rica, Thailand, and Turkey are like a breath of fresh air for dental tourists. They offer affordable options, top-notch care, and an extended vacation. Mexico is a budget-friendly and convenient choice for Americans in search of dental bliss.  

If you are wondering if it's worth going to Mexico to get dental implants, it's worth every penny! You will be saving much on these affordable dental implants while availing plenty of other benefits, too. Scroll down to understand the benefits in detail.

Affordability South of the Border

Dental implants in the United States will cost you a fortune. A single titanium implant costs you $5,500 in the United States. It gets better and relatively cheaper in Mexico. The average cost of dental implants in Mexico is just $1,500, which is nearly 80% less than in the United States. If you find it impressive, hold your hats for the other options, too. Stateside dentists will charge you a minimum amount of $24,000 for all-on-4 implants. But south of the border? Mexican dentists offer the same treatment at a three times lower price, which is $8,110. Choosing Mexico for all-on-4 will save you up to 66% on your dental bills. 

But wait, there’s more! Even the pre-op charges in Mexico cost only a fraction of what it costs in the United States. Procedures like tooth extractions, sinus lifts, and pre-op tests cost a soaring amount in the States. Need a panoramic X-ray? It will cost you a minimum of $150 in the United States. In Mexico, the clinics charge you around $65, an amount less than half the price of the United States! Summing up all the charges, dental tourists can save up to 80% on dental bills by choosing dental implants in Mexico.

Ease of Travel

Mexico is a convenient destination for Americans living close to the border. With just a short drive, residents of California, Arizona, and Texas find themselves within reach of Mexican clinics. For those opting to fly, many major cities have international airports offering seamless access. More importantly, getting here is a breeze, as the entry and exit procedures for medical travelers are straightforward and hassle-free. All you need is a valid passport and driver's license. A visa is a mere consideration for those considering longer stays of 6 months or more. [1]

Quality of Treatment

In Mexico, you’ll receive treatment on par with what you would get in the United States. All while saving big! More importantly, you don’t have to worry about the materials used by dentists in Mexico. Mexican dentists use premium and medical-grade dental materials and teeth implants from trusted brands like Straumann, Nobel Biocare, BHI, and MIS. Opting for a reputed dental tourism partner like Envoy Health opens doors to virtual consultations and continued support before and after treatment. Besides, you get the personalized treatment tailored to your needs and preferences. 

Some Mexican clinics also offer warranties on dental implants, showcasing their confidence in the treatment and durability of materials. Further, the clinics adhere to stringent standards of sterilization and cleanliness, ensuring your safety at every step. 

Qualification and Expertise of Dental Professionals

The artistry of procedures like dental implants lies in the skill and finesse of the dentist. Many Mexican dentists have extensive experience in catering their services to foreign patients, demonstrating their precision and care honed through years of practice. Would you wonder if we mentioned that some of our partner clinics have dentists with over 30 years of experience? And that’s not all! Few dentists in Mexico have enriched their expertise by attending International dental schools. Further, they are members of prestigious organizations like the American Dental Association (ADA) and the International Team of Implantology (ITI). Hence, the level of care they provide mirrors that of their American counterparts. However, it's not solely the dentist who represents the quality of care. The staff and the nurses at Mexican clinics are meticulously trained, ensuring a holistic approach to patient care. 

State-of-the-Art Technology

Dental implants are a complex procedure, demanding an in-depth understanding of jawbone structure, anatomy of the sinuses, and nerve pathways. It doesn’t stop there! Precise placement of implants and custom crown fabrication requires attention to technical details. Advanced tools like  CAD/CAM, CBCT, intraoral scanners, and surgical guides ensure precision and excellence at every step. Envoy Health always strives for perfection and partners with top clinics equipped with cutting-edge technology. Check out our clinics section to find the latest technology they utilize. 

Flexible Appointments 

In the United States, waiting times for dental appointments can feel like an eternity for those relying on insurance coverage. The wait gets longer as insurers meticulously review and verify claims before they clear the bill. However, in Mexico, dentists prioritize your convenience and flexibility, offering treatment on your terms. 

Cultural and Vacation Comfort

Navigating foreign land can be daunting, but Mexico has a unique gift. It offers a comforting familiarity to American dental tourists, ensuring that stepping across doesn't mean stepping into a vastly different world. Further, many Mexican dentists and clinic staff are proficient in English, easing communication concerns that often accompany travel abroad. It's no wonder that Mexico is a home away from home for thousands of dental tourists flocking during the winter months. Mexico's dental tourism has risen really well. The Mexican clinics ensure comfort for foreign dental patients with facilities like free phone calls, Wi-Fi, and parking facilities. 

Mexico’s warmth is in its people and weather. You get a break from the everyday hustle and can enjoy an extended vacation. You can have a refreshing holiday in Mexican cities like Playa del Carmen, Cancun, and Tijuana and enjoy the local Mexican flavors.

In the realm of getting dental care, the hands offering treatment play a vital role in its success. Choosing the best dentist for dental implants and clinic via the right partner steers away all the pressure of a dental trip. Envoy Health always partners with dentists who have pretty good experience with their years-long dental practice. Reach out to us, and let us be with you in every step towards a healthy and happy smile.


  1. Mexican International Travel Information


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Getting a full set of teeth with all-on-4 dental implants costs you $8,110 in Mexico. If you choose all-on-6 dental implants, it will cost you $10,450. Note that prices may vary depending on the dental implant brand.

    The affordable dental implant costs in Mexico are far cheaper than those in the United States, mainly because of Mexico’s low cost of living. The house rents and overhead charges are much lower in Mexico. They don’t add a burden to running dental offices, unlike those in the United States.

    Getting dental implants in Mexico will require two dental appointments and can take a period of 9-12 months.

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