What Is the Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants in Mexico?

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted June 17, 2024
Missing multiple teeth in a jaw can ruin your quality of life. Regain that lost confidence with the affordable cost of full-mouth dental implants in Mexico. These are safe, easy to maintain, and cost-effective. Read further as we detail different types, their costs, and other important information that an abroad patient needs.
What Is the Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants in Mexico?
What Is the Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants in Mexico?

Key Takeaways

  • Full-mouth implants in Mexico restore the lost functions of fallen teeth from an entire jaw. 
  • The average cost of full-mouth dental implants in Mexico lies between $7,100 and $14,499 for one single jaw. 
  • The exact price depends on the implant type, number, brand, and additional procedures. Further, you also get price inclusions on the initial consultation, diagnostic tests, anesthesia, stay, and local transport.  

Tooth loss can be due to periodontal diseases, untreated caries, trauma, and orthodontic extractions.[1] Age and lack of oral hygiene can cause missing teeth, refraining you from smiling freely in public. Not only that lacking teeth in a jaw can make chewing difficult. Further, it curbs the clarity of speech. Rather than suffering socio-psychologically, you may opt for permanent fixes. Dental implants are a lifetime solution for teeth loss. Full-mouth dental implants can replace missing teeth on an entire arch. Your dentist will place 2-8 implants and fix the prosthesis. Depending on the implant number and prosthesis, your dentist will call them by different names. Now, let’s look at the various types of full-mouth dental implants in Mexico.

Different Types of Full Mouth Implants in Mexico

Mexican implant dentistry is advanced, offering various types of dental implant solutions tailored to your needs. Mexican clinics offer full-mouth implants like all-on-4, all-on-6, 3-on-6, and snap-on dentures in Mexico. Now, let’s look into the details of each type. 

All-on-4 Dental Implants in Mexico

All-on-4 in Mexico is a popular choice among many Americans. This technique utilizes four dental implants fixed in a jaw to support a full arch denture. Out of the four implants, the posterior two implants are fixed at a 45° angle. The angular positioning of the implants utilizes maximum jawbone surface to impart stability to the implants. 

All-on-6 Dental Implants in Mexico

All-on-6 in Mexico utilizes six dental implants in a jaw to support a full arch denture. In implant dentistry, placing extra implants adds support to the artificial teeth. In all-on-6, since there are six implants, even if one fails, the other five implants can support the prosthesis. Your dentist will perform an examination and diagnosis. They will assess the quality of your jawbone. If your jawbone is found not enough to support the implants, your dentist will recommend a bone graft. Procedures like bone graft, sinus lift, and ridge augmentation add bone material to the jawbone. This will make your existing weaker jawbone strong enough to hold implants tightly. 

Sinus Lift in Mexico
Sinus Lift in Mexico

3-on-6 Dental Implants in Mexico

This procedure utilizes six dental implants to support three dental bridges. The strategic placement of 6 implants in the jaw preserves the jawbone. The dental bridges do not have acrylic gums and are sets of teeth held in a row. Unlike other full mouth restorations, the bridges, being devoid of acrylic gums, offer a natural feel. 

Snap-on-Dentures in Mexico

These utilize 2-4 implant posts permanently fixed in the jaw. The artificial teeth are the dentures that are snapped on the implants. While implants are permanently fixed, dentures are removable prostheses. 

In the healthcare sector, no solution is perfect for everyone. The best dentist for implants in Mexico will help you know the pros and cons of different types of full-mouth implants in Mexico. The cost of dental implants in Mexico is reasonable, allowing you to make considerable savings. Now, let’s understand the cost of full-mouth dental implants Mexico.

How Much are Full-Mouth Dental Implants in Mexico? 

The cost of full-mouth implants in Mexico ranges between $7,100 and $14,499 for one jaw. Factors like city, implant number, type, brand, and prosthesis type influence the exact cost of full mouth restoration.  For instance, consider the cost of 4-on-1 dental implants in Mexico. Dentists in Cancun can charge $7,100 to fix four implants with a fixed denture on a jaw. However, dentists in Los Algodones can charge you a minimum of $8,110 per jaw for Algodones all-on-4. This price includes four implants and a fixed hybrid denture. Meanwhile, choosing trusted implant brands like Straumann and Nobel Biocare for the same will cost you $8,950 and $9,710. You also get all-inclusive dental implants in Algodones. It will cost you $13,500 for all-on-4 with a prosthesis for a jaw and a hotel stay with shuttle transport. 

On the other hand, all-on-6 implants in Mexico cost start at $7,850 per jaw. Depending on price inclusions and implant and prosthesis types, it can go as high as $14,499. The cheapest all-on-6 in Cancun with a fixed acrylic denture costs you $7,850 per jaw. Conversely, Algodones all-on-6 costs you a minimum of $10,450 for six BHI implants and fixed dentures. 

Moving over to the other options, 3-on-6 implants in Mexico cost range between $11,000 and $13,000 per arch. This includes the choice of premium options like zirconia bridges, and Straumann implants with accommodation and transport charges. Snap-on-dentures with 2-4 implants, a locator, and a denture will cost you at least $1,650 in Mexico. Dental implant costs in the United States are higher when compared to Mexican prices. You will save a considerable amount of up to 70% on dental implants in Mexico. We detailed the price comparisons in the table below. 

Cost of full mouth implants in Mexico versus the United States

Implant Treatment 

Mexican Cost

Stateside Cost

All-on-4 dental implants 



All-on-6 dental implants 



3-on-6 dental implants 






# Prices are subject to change. 

Comparing full mouth implants costs in Mexico versus the United States
Full Mouth Implant Cost in Mexico versus the United States

The cheapest dental implants Mexico aren’t just making this choice appealing. The all-inclusive dental implants Mexico make Mexican full mouth implants a favorite choice. This is because the price inclusions are personalized and tailored just for dental tourists to answer the needs of stay and transport. Now, let’s look at the various factors affecting the cost of full-mouth implants in Mexico. 

Factors Influencing the Cost of Full Dental Implants in Mexico

The full mouth implant costs in Mexico are directly related to the implant and prosthesis type, number, brand, and additional procedure. Below, we provide the details.

Implant Type, Brand, and Number

The number of implants a person needs will depend on the jawbone quality. Getting full mouth implants doesn’t mean fixing implants to replace all 14 teeth in a jaw. It implies installing implants to support a prosthesis that replaces missing teeth. Concerning the costs, naturally the more implants your jaw needs, the higher the cost would be. However, the number of implants a person requires depends on the jawbone condition. Obviously, more implants distribute the prosthesis weight and efficiently support it. However, your dentist will decide on the number of implants a person needs. Besides, popular implant brands cost more than the standard options. Additionally, the prosthesis type and material from which it is made impact the final costs. Typically, the expensive zirconia prostheses are more aesthetic than the acrylic dentures. 

Additional Procedures

Only the jaws devoid of teeth are suitable for full-mouth implants in Mexico. This necessitates the need for tooth extraction, which costs around $60 in Mexico. 

Tooth Extraction in Mexico
Tooth Extraction in Mexico

Besides this, it's the jawbone quality that impacts the overall cost and treatment timeline. The weaker the jawbone is, the greater would be its difficulty in holding the implants and supporting the prosthesis. Your dentist will perform procedures like ridge augmentation, sinus lift, or bone graft. Note that the procedure one needs depends on the type of implant treatment. These costs also add up to the treatment cost in Mexico. Further, inclusions like diagnostic tests, consultation, and anesthesia charges also add to the final full mouth implants in Mexico costs. 

Losing teeth should not deter you from smiling freely in public. Regain your lost confidence with full-mouth dental implants in Mexico. Sign up with Envoy Health. Your smile deserves the best. We offer the best, tailored for your needs. 


  1. Factors Associated with Tooth Loss in General Population of Bialystok, Poland


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Full-mouth dental implants in Mexico are worth the choice. They improve your quality of life by making chewing easier and more comfortable. That too at reasonable prices according to your schedule without compromising on quality.  


    Mexico for teeth implants is safe when you choose the right implantologist for your dental implants. Qualified and certified implantologist utilizes advanced dental tools for an effective diagnosis of the jawbone. Further, they also ensure an accurate implant placement.   


    Getting a full mouth of implants in Mexico for one jaw can cost you anywhere between $7,100 and $14,499. Factors like implant type, number, prosthesis type, and city you choose decide the exact price for treatment. 


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