Are Exosomes for Hair Loss Treatment a Game-Changer for Thinning Hair?

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted August 26, 2024
Are you looking for non-invasive fixes for receding hairline? Exosomes for hair loss have emerged as a potential treatment option for thinning hair. This article covers all essential technical aspects focusing on hair loss using exosomes. Read on to learn more about the innovative approach to restoring your hairline.
Are Exosomes for Hair Loss Treatment a Game-Changer for Thinning Hair?
Are Exosomes for Hair Loss Treatment a Game-Changer for Thinning Hair?

Key Takeaways

  • While hair loss is a growing concern, several surgical and non-surgical treatment options are gaining popularity globally. 
  • Exosomes for hair loss treatment are an innovative, non-invasive approach. They utilize growth factors, signaling molecules, proteins, and other essential components to stimulate hair follicles to regrow. 
  • Several studies have identified the immunomodulatory and regenerative properties of exosomes.  

Hair loss is a growing concern among many youngsters. A reclining hairline can ruin your self-confidence, making you feel uncomfortable in public. Rather than compromising over the situation, you can choose hair transplant treatments. Regaining voluminous hair is reclaiming your self-esteem! Various treatment approaches are available to address the hair loss concerns. Minoxidil and finasteride follow topical and oral administrations, respectively. These treatments for hair loss are widely recommended and regarded as primary approaches for treatment. Some also opt for the hair transplant methods, which are the surgical approaches with scar-free results. FUE and DHI are the top procedures considered in popular destinations like Turkey, Malaysia, and India. Medical tourism abroad has boosted hair transplant surgeries in popular destinations. Thousands of patients cross borders in search of affordable hair transplants in Turkey, India, Mexico, and Malaysia. While medical tourism gained popularity, some patients still opt for non-surgical approaches. Thanks to advancing Science and Technology! Non-surgical approaches like PRP treatment, micro-needling, low-level laser therapy, and exosome therapies are gaining popularity.  

Types of Hair Loss Treatment
Types of Hair Loss Treatment 

Exosome hair therapy is an advanced alternative to invasive methods. It can increase the volume of thinning hair, fill the receding hairline, and treat pattern baldness efficiently—all with scar-free, natural-looking results!

What Is Exosome Hair Restoration?

Before understanding the exosome hair treatment, let’s learn about exosomes in detail. Exosomes are 30-200 nanosized extracellular vesicles released by different body cells, including stem cells. This is by the endosomal-lysosomal pathways. These contain membrane and within the membrane, exosomes contain proteins, lipids, messenger RNA, and microRNA. Exosomes circulate freely within the bloodstream and are involved in cellular communication and tissue repair. Several studies have proved that exosomes derived from adipose-derived stem cells are effective in hair follicle regeneration, promoting regrowth. 

Source: MDPI[1] 

The best part about exosomes for hair loss treatment is that they work on various aspects to promote healthy hair regrowth. Some of the mechanisms by which exosomes promote hair growth include: 

  • Protect hair follicular stem cells from damage 
  • Preventing hair loss by regulating the hair growth cycle
  • Inhibiting inflammatory mechanisms in the scalp that have been promoting hair fall
  • Promoting growth of new blood vessels capable of nourishing the growing hair follicles
  • Promoting hair follicle growth by delivering various growth factors and signaling molecules related to cell differentiation and proliferation  
Exosome Hair Loss Treatment Supplies Active Biomolecules to Stimulate Follicular Regrowth
Exosome Hair Loss Treatment Supplies Active Biomolecules to Stimulate Follicular Regrowth

Now that you are aware of the role of exosomes in hair loss treatment let's understand the details of the procedure. 

Exosomes for Hair Loss Procedure

Exosomes are derived from the body and do not cause any side effects. Typically, they are extracted from mesenchymal stem cells. Various analytical biochemistry techniques are applied for their extraction, including membrane filtration, immunoaffinity capture, ultracentrifugation, ion exchange, and size exclusion chromatography. Further, they are examined for the surface markers and particle dimensions.[2] They are tested and evaluated for quality at cutting-edge technology hair labs. Before injection, the exosome samples are tested for sterility and endotoxin presence. This is to minimize the side effects. 

Exosomes checked for quality
Exosome Checked for Quality

Exosomes are then injected into the scalp in short 10-15 minute sessions. Multiple sessions, separated by healing periods, will be required for severe cases of alopecia. Generally, the response time differs between patients. However, most doctors recommend a waiting period of 3-6 months to see the full potential results. Some clinics also utilize external exosomes. However, care must be taken to avoid adverse reactions like redness and inflammation.  

Are you impressed by the simple, effortless stem cell exosomes hair growth procedure? Now, let’s check out the indications that mark the candidacy for exosome hair loss treatment.

Who Is a Candidate for Exosomes Hair Loss Treatment?

A qualified and certified medical professional will evaluate and determine your candidacy for exosome hair growth therapy. During your initial evaluation, they will consider your medical history, dermatological health, specific requirements, and aesthetic expectations. 

Anyone suffering from androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness can undergo exosomes hair growth treatment. Patients suffering from autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata also benefit from the treatment. The mesenchymal stem cell exosomes hair growth treatment modifies your immune responses, reducing inflammation and promoting hair regrowth. This method is ideal if you are tired of conventional oral and topical methods and are looking for a natural fix for hair loss. All you need for this is a balanced overall health condition!

Found yourself as an eligible candidate but worried about the complications associated with the procedure? Don’t worry, as we have covered it for you.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Exosomes Hair Loss Treatment? 

Exosomes hair loss side effects are extremely low.[3] The best exosomes for hair loss treatment are screened for sterility and endotoxin presence. Approaching qualified and skilled hair transplant doctors for exosome hair loss treatment ensures successful and safe results. They scrutinize effectively and understand your prior medical history that can interfere with the treatment. 

In rare cases, you may notice some redness and tenderness at the injection site after exosome hair loss therapy. These side effects don’t last longer and will subside in a short period. However, consult your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms of adverse reactions after exosome hair growth therapy. 

  • Blisters
  • Bruises
  • Active bleeding
  • Ulcerating scalp
  • Pigmentation changes (hypo or hyper)

What To Expect With Regard to Exosomes for Hair Loss Results?

With proper aftercare, you can expect full potential results within 3-6 months after a session of exosome hair loss treatment. The necessity of subsequent sessions for exosomes for hair loss depends on the intensity of hair loss. 

Of course, the extent of success depends on the aftercare you follow. The primary reason for this is that exosomes are vesicles carrying biomolecules. Internal or external harsh conditions can damage the viability of active growth factors and signaling molecules they carry. You need to adhere to strict aftercare to obtain the full extent of outcomes. 

  • Cover your scalp with a hat, and do not expose it to direct sunlight.
  • Avoid hair wash, scalp massaging, hot water, or rough treatment for 1-2 days.
  • Keep away from tobacco and alcohol for a couple of days post-treatment.
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory medicines, including ibuprofen and naproxen, for three weeks after treatment.
  • Refrain from strenuous activities and rigorous exercise routines for 2-3 days post-treatment. 

Drink plenty of fluids and rely on a balanced diet. Exosome hair loss treatment stimulates hair regrowth by providing required growth factors and signaling molecules. After all, it's your responsibility to provide your body with enough nutrients to support the growth of hair follicles!  

Exosomes Hair Therapy Versus PRP

Both platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment and exosome for hair loss therapy are non-surgical approaches for hair loss. However, the crude underlying concept that differs is the body component that promotes hair regrowth.  

  • PRP treatment:  Here, the platelet-rich plasma is the main component. It is prepared from your blood. The medical professionals draw blood from your arm and isolate the platelet-rich plasma by centrifugation. They will inject this plasma into your scalp to hair thinning areas. 
  • Hair Exosomes therapy: Here, the membrane-bound exosomes extracted from the mesenchymal stem cells are the primary component promoting growth. They carry the growth factors, mRNA, miRNA, and other signaling molecules that promote hair regrowth. These are injected into the scalp at the areas of hair thinning.

Both non-invasive methods have shorter healing periods and effective results. The major difference lies in the procedure. While PRP requires drawing blood from your body, exosome therapy does not need this. Now, let’s focus on the cost aspects of non-invasive hair loss treatments. 

Non-invasive Hair Loss Treatment
Non-invasive Hair Loss Treatment

Exosomes Hair Treatment Cost

Exosome hair therapy costs typically range between $5,000 and $10,000 per session. The final exosomes for hair loss price depends on the number of sessions required, which in turn depends on your hair loss intensity and aesthetic expectations. Ideally, exosome hair loss treatment requires sophisticated technology. Exosomes are vesicles with active biomolecules, and their viability is essential for the treatment's success. The use of advanced technology is typically the primary cause of the higher cost. Hair transplant clinics in Turkey offer affordable prices on exosome therapies. Perform your research and reach out to reliable providers for the best results.

While the prices seem quite expensive in your homeland, the benefits make the procedure a worthwhile decision. 

Benefits of Exosome Hair Loss Treatment 

Exosome hair loss treatment is a natural and targeted approach to treating pattern alopecia. The clinical studies offered effective, long-lasting results with the fewest side effects. The bioactive components that exosomes carry have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These contribute to maintaining a healthy microenvironment around the hair follicles, which contributes to their longevity of growth. Further, this targeted approach starts showing results early on, as the exosome will be delivered directly into the scalp. Plus, the results are so natural that it's hard to distinguish. Compare the exosomes for hair loss before and after photographs. They are quite natural, and the best part? The results start showing in a very short period, within 3-6 months. 

The benefits are indeed impressive! Are you ready to revamp your hairline with the non-surgical exosome for hair loss therapy? Envoy Health partners with Dr. Go! The cutting-edge technology at his clinic offers promising results while providing effective care to many patients abroad. Sign up now and request a free initial consultation to begin your journey for restoring your hairline. Your hair deserves the best care!


  1. Therapeutic Values of Exosomes in Cosmetics, Skin Care, Tissue Regeneration, and Dermatological Diseases
  2. The Roles of Exosomes in Regulating Hair Follicle Growth
  3. Systematic review of exosome treatment in hair restoration: Preliminary evidence, safety, and future directions
  4. Consumer Alert on Regenerative Medicine Products Including Stem Cells and Exosomes
  5. Therapeutic Values of Exosomes in Cosmetics, Skin Care, Tissue Regeneration, and Dermatological Diseases


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Exosome-based regenerative therapies are not yet approved by the FDA.[4] Several clinical studies have evaluated the efficiency of exosomes in various cosmetic and regenerative applications. While the exosome hair loss treatments have shown good results in the lab and real patients, their approval by the FDA is still pending. 


    The number of sessions for exosome hair loss therapy depends on the extent of hair loss. Generally, your hair transplant specialist will perform the short 15-minute session and wait for the results for 3-6 months. After analyzing the results after the stipulated period, they will plan the necessity for subsequent sessions.  


    Exosomes are vesicles enclosed with active biochemicals that stimulate regrowth in hair follicles. They carry signaling molecules, mRNA, miRNA, proteins, and lipids, which show anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory responses. Several research studies suggested that exosomes derived from mesenchymal cells with regenerative properties can be used in cosmetics, hair transplantation, and other dermatological conditions.[5]


    Exosome hair loss treatment results last for 12-24 months, after which your hair needs follow-up treatments. You will need to provide essential nutrients to your body to attain better results. The exact time depends on the intensity of the hair loss, your body's response to initial treatment, and your overall health condition. 

    While exosome therapies and PRP differ on the basic body component, the results and procedure one can expect largely remain the same. The concentration of growth factors in exosome therapies is quite high. Of course, it is the latest development in science and technology, and its utilization is still expanding in many areas of cosmetics and regenerative medicine. 


    Exosome hair loss treatment costs $5,000-$10,000 per session. The non-invasive session lasts 15-20 minutes, and the total cost depends on the number of sessions needed depending on the aesthetic concerns. 


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