Dentistry in Mexico: Is It Really Worth The Trip?

Content Writer

Aditi Sharma

- Content Writer

Posted May 29, 2024
Mexico is a top-ranking destination for international dental treatment seekers. Young men and women, families, children, active adults, and seniors all make up the population of Mexican dental patients. People from all walks of life embark on dental tourism trips.
Dentistry in Mexico
Dentistry in Mexico

Mexico, these days is a premier destination for both quality as well as affordable healthcare worldwide. Millions of tourists, especially from the United States of America and Canada, visit Mexico every year to experience the taste of Mexico's hospitality along with having a memorable vacation period at this beautiful place.

Dental tourism can be considered as a subpart of medical tourism where both focus on getting healthcare facilities outside one's own home country. There are some patients who cannot afford their local dental treatment bills or some who do not want to take loans or drain out their savings. All of us know how much easier it is to go a few blocks away to our local dentist's office, but some of us cannot afford that convenience or simply do not want to pay extra money for it.

What is the reason behind Mexico's popularity in the dental tourism industry?

Annually, there are approximately 1.2 million people who travel from the US to Mexico seeking better dental care opportunities. The main reason behind this flow is the significant cost savings that people can make without compromising the quality in Mexico. The patients can save up to 70% if they choose to have their treatment in a Mexican city rather than having it in well-developed countries like the USA, UK, and Canada, which are only hyped. But keep in mind that nothing can be completely perfect. To decide whether this dental trip is worth it or not, you should first weigh both the advantages and disadvantages of getting dental work done in Mexico.

Revealing the Pros and Cons of Dentistry in Mexico

Considering Mexico for your dental treatments? There are both good and bad parts if you are thinking about going out of the border to fix your teeth. This guide will help you make a more confident decision about your dental work.


Saving thousands of dollars

Finalising Mexico as a destination for your dental needs, will help you save large bucks of money as compared to your native place for the same dental procedures. For example, if we talk about a full mouth restoration, you can save $25,000 to $40,000 on your full smile makeover, which will be an overall 50 to 70% off on your whole dental procedure.

Will you believe it if we say you can save $3500 on just a single implant and crown? Well, that is true. Our doctors are experts in doing single-sitting RCTs (root canal treatment) that will save you around $800. This means there is no need for multiple appointments, your root canal procedure will be done on the same day, making things much easier for you as compared to the standard RCT procedure. If you want a complete denture, then you can save about $1350.

However, the real savings come when you need major dental work done. Things such as dental implants, dental extractions, or zirconia crowns are the main deals. These kinds of savings can easily sum up to thousands of dollars. However, the minor ones may not balance the additional travel costs.This thing will prevent you from taking high-interest loans or mortgages on your house like some of our clients have had to (when they discuss their past experiences).

And do not forget, it will not only be a trip for your dental needs only, but also a holiday to enjoy so that will convert it into a "dental vacation."

Envoy health has partner clinics in different cities in Mexico, from which you can choose a more suitable one according to your convenience.

Tip: Have a talk with your local dentist first to get an estimate on the costs and select a deal that best suits your budget.

All dental specialties under the same roof

Do you have multiple dental issues that may require consulting different specialists? Worry not! Mexican dental groups have all the experts working in various departments under the same dental practice. Implant specialists, orthodontists, Oral surgeons, prosthodontists, Periodontists, or endodontists, Mexican dental hospitals have them all.

In the USA or Canada, most dental practices have only one dentist working there, and patients usually have to switch places in need of different treatments. This becomes a challenging situation if you need some major and extensive dental work.

For example:

  • If you need a root canal and a wisdom tooth extraction, a general dentist will first refer you to an endodontist for RCT and then to an oral surgeon in another clinic to get your tooth out. There too you will have to wait for 1 or 2 weeks to get an appointment.
  • Similarly, if you need some periodontal work done, you will have to go to a periodontist. Some parts of the US or Canada don't even have a periodontist in their rural areas, which turns out to be a big problem. "Do it all" dentists may not give you the perfect results.
  • Mexican dentists mostly work in groups. Right after your dental consultation, your RCT specialist can start working on your root canal. Dental implant patients can benefit from having an implantologist, prosthodontist, and periodontist at the same location. You can have an immediate implant right after your extraction; this will lessen the separate healing period for both procedures, thus saving your recovery time. In short, you can have faster and better results when all specialties are together in one place.

In short, you can have faster and better results when all specialties are together in one place.

Tip: If you want multiple major dental issues that require specialty dental work, then avoid booking with a general dentist; instead, book with that particular specialist.

Your dental work comes with a guarantee

If you get your dental treatment from Mexico, you are assured with 3 to 4 years of guarantee depending upon the work done. This is a strict requirement to be the part of Mexican dental network. On the contrary, American or Canadian dentists do not give you any written warranty on your dental work as it's not common in the US or Canadian dental industry.

They usually fix immediately if something is wrong right after your dental work, but if your treatment fails after a year or so, they usually take the charges for full treatment again. You will feel secure when your Mexican dentist stands behind their work quality. Envoy Health will even act as an advocate for you with claims.

Tip: before planning your dental trip to Mexico, do not forget to ask your dentist about the guarantee period on your dental work?

Easy appointments

Did your crown fall off? Do you have a severe toothache? Do you need a root canal right away? Need to complete your cosmetic dental work before your wedding?

Mexico is the solution for all of your issues. In case of an emergency, you can even drive on the same day to have your dental appointment in Mexico and get your dental work done. The Mexican dentists work from Monday to Friday (8 am-6 pm), and on Saturdays (8 am-2 pm). On the other hand, dentists in the USA usually work for only 3 to 4 days a week with limited appointments. It could take you months to get a root canal appointment with a specialist; immediate appointments are far to think.

Tip: In case of an emergency appointment, you can have your work done on the same day, especially if you can drive there. Whether it is a root canal procedure or an extraction, you will come back home with relief in your pain while saving a lot of money.

Get your teeth fixed faster

Can you believe you can get your complete set of dentures in Los Algodones within two days? Yes, that is possible. On the first day, the dentist will be taking your full mouth impressions and measurements, and on the very next day, your final dentures will be in your hands. The whole procedure will cost you around $260 for the full set of upper and lower dentures. The same can cost you around $1500-$2000 in the USA.

Have you ever been to one of those top dental practices in Mexico? For example, let's say you need a cleaning, a root canal, some feelings, and two implants. You have an appointment on Monday and come for a consultation at Sani Dental Group.

  • You will start at 8 am as Dr. Paul usually does his consultations on Monday. If you like his consultation, then he may start your work right after checking your oral cavity. Now, here is how it will go further.
  • At 9 am, they will be taking your necessary investigations, such as required scans and X-rays. Then, Dr. Jesus will be taking over for your RCT. Then, Dr. Angela will proceed with your cleaning and fillings.
  • By 12:30 pm, you will be free to have a lunch break and can rest up to 2 pm.
  • Post 2 pm, Dr. Marysol will prepare your teeth for impression, and then at 3 pm, Dr. Erik Medina will follow up on your implant procedure.
  • By 4:30 pm, it will be all done, and you can finally walk out with all your temporary teeth in. You will still be having time to relax if you need to, but most of the patients prefer to have an outing or dinner in the town to show off their new smile and teeth.

You will still be having time to relax if you need to, but most of the patients prefer to have an outing or dinner in the town to show off their new smile and teeth. And now, imagine if you have appointments for three different clinics. First, you set an appointment with your general dentist, who refers you to an endodontist across the town, who further refers you back to a periodontist on the other side of the city for your implants. Then, finally, after three weeks, you go back to your general dentist for your tooth preparation and impression work. Isn't this very exhausting?

How are Mexican dentists able to do it in a much shorter time?

They have all the specialists in one clinic, plus their dental assistants are dentists, too. If they are not assisting, they are probably working on another patient. The assistant dentists can help with less critical work by taking impressions or giving local anesthesia, while the specialist will focus more on the critical work. It is always group work that saves more time, and that is the reason why they get through their schedule quicker. The more dentists, more faster your work will be. The dental labs in Cancun also contribute by delivering the work faster.

Mexican dentists are well aware of the fact that you live far away and can not stay for longer periods, that's why they tend to be quick in their work. But this faster work doesn't mean any carelessness or compromise on your part of treatment. Their efficacy and fast turnaround are important because they know that their clients do not have a lot of time.

Tip: Do not push your dentist to finish any procedure quickly, as they might miss the important steps in a hurry.

There is no rush

As stated earlier, despite being quicker, it doesn't mean that you will be rushed. When you see a Mexico dentist, consultations and appointments will take at least 40 minutes to 1 hour. This will include a one and one-complete presentation about your treatment plan. They will make you understand every detail of your procedure by making study models of your teeth.

Our dentists are available for any dental emergency, 24 x 7, during your dental vacation. The top dentists of Mexico are usually booked throughout the week, but despite being busy and tired, they spend a lot of time with their patients with patience. In the USA, the dentist consultation usually lasts for 15 to 30 minutes. They do not give their patients enough time to conversate and barely show any interest in getting to know them.

Tip: Make a list of questions or concerns that you are having regarding your treatment before leaving your home for the treatment. Ask out all doubts to your dentist during that consultation period before agreeing to any dental work.

Getting cost comparisons

If you want to know your treatment prices before you travel, then you are just a phone call away. Many Mexican dentists post their treatment prices on their website, so you are free to make any cost comparisons and negotiate if you want. The prices are usually lower than those you will get in your home country. You can also send your X-rays and previous medical or dental reports for evaluation. We will provide you with the estimated prices and recommendations of that dentist.

However, this is not what you get in America or Canada, where the dental clinics will never share their estimated price list or talk to you about that over the phone.

Tip: You can call your Mexican dentist to get some estimates on the prices over the phone call. Once you know what you need, then you can compare the American dental treatment prices with the Mexican ones.

Have a holiday while visiting your Mexico dentist

One of the greatest benefits of dental tourism is that you can have the privilege of a Mexican vacation along with your dental treatment. The pleasing geographic location is the other main factor for tourist attraction. You can enjoy a holiday on the white sandy beaches. Do you know that 80% of the dental patients in Mexico come from the USA, 15% come from Canada, and the rest from other international countries? Check out the trending places like Tijuana and Los Algodones in Mexico, or head to the beach in San Diego and soak in the warmth of Arizona sun.

Tip: Before your arrival, talk with us; we will help you with all the necessary travel guidance and accommodation options as well.


Far Travelling

Today, Mexico is regarded among the top destinations and second most affordable alternative for dental treatments all over the world. But distance is still a concern for people who do not like to travel much, and most people do not want to travel that far to get their work done in Mexico.

If you are an American and you have billions of dollars in your bank balance, then it is easy for you to afford local dental care, but most people do not have the extra money for unplanned dental emergencies. A three hour drive or flight may seem inconvenient to you, but what if your savings are tremendous? Then, seeing a dentist in Mexico will definitely be worth traveling, along with added travel costs.

Imagine you have a really important job interview coming up, and you want your teeth to be fixed before that. But your dental treatment is going to cost you around $12,000 and you do not have much money to afford it. So, would you like to go for more consultations in the snowy season, to find a cheaper price somewhere? How about going to Cancun? When you get the same procedure done by going to Cancun for one week for only $4500, including your travel costs.

Tip: Choose a Mexico dentist close to your city. This will lower your travel costs and you can return on the same day of treatment as well. You can map out the following top places for dental treatment in Mexico: Los Algodones, Tijuana and Cancun.

Language barriers

Communication is the key when someone is thinking of visiting an international country, especially for their dental treatment and medical needs. It is frustrating when your dentist does not speak English well, or they speak Spanish with each other while working on your teeth.

But luckily, 90% of the dental clinics with Envoy Health have their practice around Americans and Canadians, which means they have fluent English speaking dentists and staff. This will allow you to have good communication throughout all your procedures and appointments.

Tip: Choose a Mexican dentist who is fluent and has a good command of the English language. Prefer to talk over the phone call with your dentist to be sure whether you understand them or not.

Procedures by some inexperienced dentists

Before any major dental procedure in Mexico, make yourself sure about your dentists' qualifications. For example, a full-mouth dental implant procedure requires a higher level of professionalism. Similarly, all-on-4 dental implants and other significant procedures can not be performed by new or inexperienced maxillofacial surgeons or periodontists.

Many Mexican dentists have memberships with the ADA (American Dental Association). This means that they are holding a valid license. Unfortunately, some Mexican dentists perform dental procedures without much education and training, which gets them into trouble as people come back, complaining about bad experiences in Mexico. This gives a poor tag to the other hard working Mexican dentists.

The majority of the patients do not go back to their local dental clinics after their treatment from Mexico, either because of cheap prices or a fear of getting a negative reaction from their friends or family about seeking medical attention abroad. So, they avoid bothering anyone by telling them about their treatment in Mexico.

Tip: Confirm with your chosen dental clinic the name of your dentist who will be doing your treatment, his training, educational background, and whether he is specialized in doing that particular procedure or not.

Mexican dentists do not require CE course

Dentists in the US or Canada have to take compulsory continuing education (CE) courses to keep learning and updating their skills every 2 to 3 years post getting their license to practice. This helps them to stay in touch with the current advancements and improvements in the field of dentistry.

However, Mexican dentists need not take any further courses once they get their license. This may result in some dentists not being up to date with the latest forms of technology and treatments. But, there are still many dentists in Mexico who attend regular dental conferences and take advanced CE courses to freshen up their learnings and compete with American standards.

Tip: It is a good idea to pick a dentist who takes regular advanced dentistry courses to make sure they make the best use of their knowledge and techniques.

Financing for dental procedures is not available

Carecredit is the most popular dental financing option available in the United States. However, it has a limitation in that the company does not finance the treatments that are done outside America, even in Mexico. Also, Mexican doctors do not have access to great dental finance services as their counterparts in the USA or Canada. Still, there are some dental offices where that advertise "financing available."

But be aware! They are usually the ones with higher interest rates or money traps. You will also be charged extra fees based on the percentage of the total cost financed as an additional way of making a profit and taking advantage of the people in need. All thanks to Mexican dentists, they already charge significantly less than American ones, so you can save enough. For major procedures, they will allow you to pay the whole sum over several months in the form of installments.

Tip: You can consider checking on your local bank or credit union for a loan, as they have better deals to offer. If this doesn't help, you can also use a low-interest credit card to pay your dental bills.

Unqualified and dishonest dentists

Good and bad dentistry both exist globally, whether it's in America, Canada, or Mexico. It is sad, but sometimes, they may not fix their mistakes and do not stand behind that guarantee. It is difficult to sue them, too. Hence, you need to be cautious about dishonest and bad dentists, as you are unlikely to get a refund in this case. So, please do your homework to prevent these traps. Your best bet is to choose your dentist carefully so that this doesn't happen.

Tip: never pay the whole treatment fee at once. Always pay according to the portion of work done.

Passport requirement

You will need to have a passport if you already do not have one. It may take around 4 to 6 weeks for your processing time when applying through regular channels, so you need to plan accordingly. Suppose you are crossing the border from the US to Mexico. In that case, a passport is not a requirement, but like any other foreign nation, if you're coming back from Mexico to the US, then having a valid passport at the point of entry is mandatory.

Tip: You can get the passport on the same day from your US regional passport centers by showing them proof of appointment with your Mexican dentist.


Quality, variety, and professionalism are the three basic traits of a Mexican dentist. It is clear that Mexico gives tough competition to the US and Canada by attracting their clients to their own places. After analyzing both the positive and negative aspects of having dental treatment in Mexico, it is obvious that the advantages of getting the treatment in Mexico overrule its disadvantages.

So, there will be nothing wrong with saying that your trip to Mexico for your dental needs will be worth it if you stay alert, follow some precautionary steps, and do your research work before finalizing any choice. So, don't think twice; Envoy health is here to guide you through each step, making things easier for you. Just contact us.


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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