All You Need to Know About the Cost of Dental Caps in Mexico

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted August 01, 2024
Planning to repair damaged and decayed teeth and regain a natural-looking smile? The Stateside costs can burn a hole in your pocket. The reasonable cost for dental caps in Mexico can be your solution. Read on to learn about the types, advantages, and procedures for getting crowns at Mexican dental clinics.
All You Need to Know About the Cost of Dental Caps in Mexico
All You Need to Know About the Cost of Dental Caps in Mexico

Key Takeaways

  • The cost of dental care in Mexico is affordable when compared to countries like the United States and Canada.
  • Dental crowns are tooth caps that restore the lost functions of broken, decayed, or damaged teeth. The dentist removes a small portion of damaged tooth enamel to fix the crown. 
  • The cost for dental caps in Mexico ranges between $120 and $600. This price is nearly four times less than the Stateside dentist’s price for crowns.

Natural teeth decay when oral bacteria develop acids that damage the enamel, causing cavities. Sometimes, teeth also experience breaks, cracks, and wear and tear, leading to shape distortion. Dental crowns, also called dental caps because of their appearance, can serve as effective restorations in these cases. When placed on damaged teeth, these tooth-colored white caps can restore the lost function. In most cases, crowns don’t require tooth removal; they snugly fit over the existing tooth. The outcome appears so natural that it's hard to distinguish that you had a crown. However, your Mexican dentist will reshape the damaged tooth to accommodate the tooth cap. Now, let’s learn more about dental crowns. 

Purposes Served by Dental Crowns in Mexico 

Dental crowns in Mexico can be used to restore tooth damage caused by a variety of oral health problems. 

  • Cover a dental implant or root canal-treated tooth
  • Restore the functionality of the broken or worn-down tooth
  • Add strength to a weak tooth that may break or develop cracks
  • Cover a stained or discolored tooth as part of a cosmetic procedure
  • Hold a dental bridge in place by anchoring on teeth adjacent to missing teeth gaps

Dental crowns in Mexico are versatile. In addition to their functions, dental crowns in Mexico are natural-looking, durable, biocompatible, and affordable. Your dentist in Mexico will suggest the right type for your requirements. Here, we listed some commonly available types of dental crowns in Mexico.   

Types of Dental Crowns in Mexico

Dental crowns in Mexico vary in function depending on the material's chemical composition. Here are some of the basic types of dental crowns available in Mexico.

  • All-porcelain/ Ceramic crowns: These crowns mimic the natural teeth mainly for their color and translucency. These are made from ceramic materials like porcelain and are devoid of metal. They are the best choice if you are allergic to metals. While all-porcelain crowns are more prone to fractures, they can also cause some wear and tear on the opposite teeth during the bite. 
  • Porcelain fused to metal crowns: These are popular for their durability and resemblance to natural teeth. PFM crowns contain a porcelain layer fabricated over the metal, which adds strength to the natural look.[1] These are popular for their reliability and are used for the front and back teeth. The disadvantage of PFM crowns is that they can cause metal allergies in some patients. 
PFM Crowns
PFM Crowns
  • Zirconia crowns: These are made from the highly aesthetic zirconium dioxide, a material made popular for its aesthetics and durability. While carrying high levels of durability, Zirconia crowns cause less wear and tear on the opposite teeth. These are devoid of metal. Hence, they are biocompatible and do not cause allergic reactions.[2] 
  • All-metal crowns: Materials like palladium, gold, nickel, or chromium are used for dental crown preparation. These are highly durable and can rarely chip or break. They withstand stronger bite forces but can cause allergies in metal-sensitive people.
  • E-max crowns: These all-ceramic crowns are made from lithium disilicate glass. They are highly translucent and popular for their aesthetics. However, they are less resilient than traditional crowns. 

Are you overwhelmed by the types of dental crowns in Mexico? The procedure of getting them is quite simple. Hop on to the upcoming section as we uncover more details on the procedure.  

Procedure for Getting Dental Crowns in Mexico

Getting dental crowns in Mexico requires two visits to the clinic. During the first visit, the dentist will physically examine the damaged tooth and suggest the required number of crowns. The procedure begins with numbing the jaws and preparing your tooth. Your dentist will remove some portion of enamel to fix the crown. They will reshape the tooth. Suppose your tooth is broken and is disfigured. They will use filling material to obtain the required shape to accommodate the dental crown. Once the tooth is prepared, your dentist will collect tooth impressions for crown preparation. They will use putty like material for physical impression collection. Many Mexican dental clinics are state-of-the-art equipped and use digital methods for impression collection. They use hand-held scanners and send impressions to the dental lab for customized crown preparation. Crown preparation can take a few days. Until then your dentist will fix temporary crowns on the prepared teeth.  

Placing Dental Crown on Reshaped Tooth
Dental Crown Procedure

Typically, your second dental visit will be after the crowns are prepared. The dentist will remove the temporary crown and make space for fixing the permanent crown. They will match the shape and color of the crowns with existing teeth. They will then fix the crown on the prepared tooth using dental adhesive. Your new dental caps are ready to show off their radiance! 

How Long Does It Take To Get a Crown in Mexico?

In general, a dental crown procedure in Mexico takes 3 to 5 days. The procedure is carried out in two steps, and you will need two dental visits to the clinic. However, many advanced dental clinics in Mexico offer same-day dental crowns. Opting for them reduces your treatment time and number of dental visits. 

Same-Day Dental Crowns in Mexico

The same-day dental crowns in Mexico will save you time, effort, and travel. You will visit the clinic with disfigured teeth and return home with a brand-new smile in one single day.  Your dentist will collect digital impressions of your teeth using 3-dimensional digital scanners. They use computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) to fabricate your dental crowns. The best part is that the clinics in Mexico don’t need any third-party laboratories to fabricate same-day crowns. They have in-built cutting-edge laboratories to do this job. Are you impressed by the procedure but worried it would cost you a fortune? Worry not. We provide you a detailed prices for various types of dental crowns in Mexico.

How Much Does It Cost To Get a Crown in Mexico?

The cost of dental caps in Mexico begins at around $120, the lowest for an all-metal crown. While these don’t match your existing teeth, a natural-looking, highly translucent zirconia crown will cost you $490. The same crown costs around $1,800 in the States. This is around four times higher than the Mexican cost. On the other hand, the highly durable PFM crown in Mexico costs you a reasonable price of around $230. Overall, you can save up to 80% on various types of dental crowns in Mexico. The exact price varies with the crown number, type, and city you choose. We tabulated the costs of different types of dental caps in Mexico in the table below.

Cost for dental caps in Mexico

Dental Crown Type

Cost in Mexico 

All metal


Porcelain fused to metal


E max (All porcelain) 




Porcelain fused to gold


# Prices apply for one single crown and may vary depending on the case.

While these are the prices for individual crowns, costs for bridge units vary in Mexican dental clinics. Typically, bridges contain crowns with adjacently placed pontic teeth. For instance, a three-unit dental bridge can replace one missing tooth by fitting on healthy adjacent teeth. It has three crowns attached horizontally. The 3-unit bridge cost in Mexico is $690 if the crowns are porcelain fused to metal-based. Are you overwhelmed by knowing the prices? Getting dental crowns sometimes requires some additional procedures. Even then, you will save quite well in Mexico. Are you wondering how? Scroll down to the upcoming section for more information.

Is Dental Work Cheaper in Mexico?

Mexico dental prices are quite cheaper when compared to the Stateside costs. You can save up to 85% on dental bills for crowns in Mexico. Suppose your tooth has decayed badly, causing immense pain; your dentist will remove the infected pulp. While a root canal in the US can cost you $2,000, Mexico dental treatment will save you big.  Ideally, the root canal cost in Mexico is around $340. Your dentist will perform a root canal to remove the infected pulp and fix a crown on the damaged tooth. Getting a dental crown not only restores the functions of the decayed teeth but also adds strength to the weak tooth. However, this is different in case you need to fill the gaps left by missing teeth. 

While crowns can be placed on the implants, the cost of dental implant crown is $720. This cost for one crown includes an abutment. With the affordable cost of dental implants in Mexico, it can cost you $1,500 to restore the functions of one missing tooth. The Stateside cost of dental crown without insurance with similar quality is indeed high. One single crown in the US without the anesthesia and diagnostic tests will cost you $5,500. Suppose you are planning for a full mouth restoration. The affordable cost of full dental implants in Mexico, along with crowns, will save you 80%. Read our article for more details on dental work in Mexico prices

Besides, some of the best dentist in Mexico for crowns offer dental tourism packages. For instance, the best Algodones dentist offers a free night guard for caring for your new dental caps. This deal applies when you get 6 crowns (standard or implant-supported) in a single visit. 

Suppose you choose Cancun to get dental crowns in Mexico. You can avail of the best deals for full mouth rehabilitation with zirconia crowns. The full mouth crowns cost in Mexico is $7,000 for 20 high quality zirconia crowns. This package includes taxes and transportation between the clinic, airport, and hotel. 

Many Americans and Canadians enjoy dental work in Mexico. Here are all the benefits of getting dental crowns in Mexico:

  • Quality dental crowns that are closer to a natural look
  • Durable, long-lasting results at affordable prices
  • Range of choices between Mexican cities, clinics, and crown types
  • State-of-the-art equipped dental clinics with in-built dental labs reduce third-party charges 
  • Availability of same-day crowns reduces treatment time and clinic visits
  • Treatment by certified dental professionals who are members of prestigious organizations like ADA 
Benefits of Getting Dental Crowns in Mexico
Benefits of Getting Dental Crowns in Mexico

The perks of choosing Mexico for dental work are extended. This choice can be the best gift for you and your loved ones. Envoy Health partners with the top dental clinics after thorough verification. Sign up now and gain access to quality dental work south of the border. Revamp your smile and relish every bite of your favorite food like you did before.


  1. All-Ceramic Restorations: A Review Of The Literature
  2. What are Zirconia Crowns? 


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Minor tooth decay or breakage does not require the removal of the entire tooth. Your dentist will remove the damaged portion and use filling material to complete the tooth structure. Typically, composite fillings at Mexican dental clinics cost $60.  


    Dentists in Mexico charge reasonable amounts for dental crowns. Mexico dentist prices for dental crowns fall anywhere between $120 and $600. The exact price depends on the clinic, city, and crown material. 


    Tooth caps or dental crowns in Mexico cost between $120 and $600. The durable and natural-looking porcelain-fused-to-gold crown costs you the highest at $600. In Mexico, the popularly chosen zirconia crown costs $490. These prices are far lower than those charged by a Stateside dentist. The exact dental crown price in Mexico varies with the city, clinic, dentist and type. 


    Dental crown costs in developed countries like the United States or Canada are quite expensive. However, you can expect affordable yet quality dental crowns in countries like Mexico, Costa Rica, Turkey, and India. For instance, consider Mexico's costs for dental crowns. A single dental crown in the US can cost around $2,500, which is far higher than the Mexican cost of around $120-$600.


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