Average Cost of Veneers: A Breakdown of Pricing Factors

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted September 03, 2024
The average cost of veneers is a significant factor when considering a smile makeover. Dental veneers can be your perfect solution if you are not satisfied with your smile. They can transform your smile, giving it a bright, refreshed look. Read this article to make a confident decision for a stress-free experience.
Average Cost of Veneers: A Breakdown of Pricing Factors
Average Cost of Veneers: A Breakdown of Pricing Factors

Key Takeaways

  • Dental veneers are a popular treatment option among cosmetic dental services. These teeth shells cover breaks, chips, stains, and irregularities, imparting completeness to your smile.
  • Teeth veneers are considered quite expensive than procedures like dental bonding. However, the results one can expect from veneers are natural-looking and last longer.
  • The average cost of veneers depends on various factors, such as veneer type, number, location, dentist and clinic reputation, location, and the costs of any required additional procedures.

Dental veneers are an effective way to conceal the flaws of chipped, broken, stained, or gapped teeth. Being wafer-thin tooth-colored shells, dental veneers teeth appear more natural, making it hard to distinguish that you had them. Veneers are a popular procedure among patients considering cosmetic dentistry and are made from porcelain, or tooth colored composite resin. They are customized dental shells that would fit on your teeth with the right size and shade. The goal is to impart symmetry to your smile. Your dentist will remove some portion of the enamel on the damaged tooth surface and fix the veneer using dental adhesive. 

How veneers impart symmetry and enhance smile
How Veneers Impart Symmetry and Enhance Smile

While several myths surround cosmetic dental services, there is some confusion about different types of veneers and their hefty price tags. Let’s begin by understanding the average cost of teeth veneers.

How Much Does It Cost for Veneers?

The average cost of veneers per tooth varies primarily with the type of material and the specific geographical location. For instance, the average price of porcelain veneers in the States is $1,500 per unit. Note that this varies with the type. The average cost of composite veneers is $1,100 per unit in the States. On the other hand, laminate porcelain veneers or lumineers are slightly expensive. These smooth, slick-to-touch veneers are priced at $2,000 per unit.

However, destinations like Turkey or Mexico offer affordable dental veneers. Consider the average cost of veneers per tooth in Mexico. Dental veneers made from porcelain cost $450 for each unit. On the other hand, choosing a highly aesthetic zirconia veneer costs $490 per unit. Considering these prices, the average cost of full veneers in Mexico ranges between $4,500 and $4,900. This price is significantly lower than the Stateside price of $20,000 for getting a full mouth of veneers. 

While the average cost of tooth veneers varies significantly based on material and location, it's crucial to avoid confusion for a confident decision. Let’s begin by understanding the factors that influence the average cost of veneer teeth.

What Factors Influence the Average Price of Veneers for Teeth?

Below are the common factors that influence the average price of veneers for teeth.

Type of Veneer 

The type of veneer teeth greatly influences the average price for veneers. High-quality materials offer promising and natural-looking results. Besides the aesthetic aspects, the durability of the material also adds up to the cost. Typically, porcelain costs more than composite tooth material. It's because porcelain veneers offer radiance to your smile without compromising on durability.  Further, the procedure of veneer fixation also impacts the cost. Porcelain veneers, for example, require the dentist to roughen the tooth surface and collect tooth impressions. Skilled technicians use porcelain delta material to prepare veneers in the cosmetic dentist lab. So they cost you higher compared to the composite teeth veneers. On the other hand, lumineers or no-prep veneers are quite expensive compared to porcelain. They require less tooth preparation and advanced dental technology for manufacturing. The aesthetics they offer are very similar to what you can expect from porcelain veneers. 

Number of Veneers 

Typically, the total number of veneers one requires decides the final treatment costs. For example, you will need one or two veneers on your front damaged teeth if you are looking to fix a front broken tooth. However, a cosmetic dentist would suggest 8-10 veneers per jaw for a complete smile makeover. This imparts symmetry to your smile. Obviously, the veneers for two front teeth would cost less than the full mouth of veneers. Depending on the veneer type, a full mouth of veneers costs you $20,000 in the States. On the other hand, the average cost of veneers in the US is $1,000. Getting two front teeth veneers costs you $2,000, which is ten times less than the Stateside price for full moth veneers. 

Geographical Location 

Dental treatment costs indeed depend on the city you choose for getting the treatment done. The reason behind this is local regulations, the city or country’s cost of living, and material and equipment costs at a specific location. For instance, consider the fact that the city’s cost of living affects the veneer costs in the United States. The cost of living in the States is 117% higher than in Mexico.[1] The housing costs are especially higher, causing the Stateside dentists to face higher operating costs on the clinic rents and staff salaries. Meanwhile, in countries like Mexico and Turkey, the living costs are comparably light, with relatively affordable clinic maintenance costs and staff salaries. Maintaining dental clinics in Mexico, requires reasonable prices with no added burden on the dentists. Hence, the average cost of veneers in Mexico is relatively lower than what you could expect in Canada or the States. 

Reputation of Dental Clinics and Dentist Experience

Reputed dental clinics charge higher dental fees for any treatment. While you can expect premier quality care at the reputed clinics, they rely on advanced technology. Further, they use top-quality dental materials for exceptional results. The clinic maintenance and high-end services often demand state-of-the-art technology. This typically demands higher treatment costs than any ordinary dental clinic. In addition, trust and patient satisfaction add value to the choice, which in turn adds to the costs. Besides, some clinics rely on in-house dental labs for diagnosis and veneer fabrication. Dental prosthesis fabrication requires advanced dental technology and the right skill set of technicians. The naturality of the results after veneer treatment depends on the smooth finish and clarity. This requires advanced dental technology. While in-house dental labs back some clinics, few rely on third-party services. Obviously, third-party services incur middleman charges, adding weight to final treatment bills.   

More importantly, the expertise of the dentists is a prime concern here. Veneers are more an art than a sole science. The naturality of results depends on the veneer type a dentist chooses and the dentist's skill level. Ideally, cosmetic dental specialists ensure precise, aesthetic results with lower complication risks.   

Additional Procedures Before Veneer Treatment

Some individuals require treatments like orthodontic corrections to impart alignment and correct the bite issues. Conversely, some require cavity treatments to address any issues with their existing cavities.  On the other hand, some require gum contouring to reduce the gum tissue on the teeth. This imparts a symmetric gum line, ensuring a proper fit and tooth proportions for your new teeth veneers. Prices for each dental treatment typically vary. The final treatment costs are indeed dependent on the pre-veneer procedure one needs. 

Payment Methods and Insurance Options

Typically, dental veneers are considered a cosmetic procedure, and hence, dental insurance does not cover them. However, some insurance providers provide partial coverage for veneers when they are medically necessary. For example, veneers can correct a partially broken tooth in an accident or treat a cavity filling. This will be considered a medical necessity, and insurance will cover the treatment bills partially.  Besides, some dental clinics offer multiple payments from dental tourists. They encourage credit and debit card payments and offer cashback and discounts. Check out what applies at the clinic you choose for dental veneers. 

The average cost of veneers depends on various factors, such as veneer type, number, additional procedures, and clinic and dentist reputation. When you approach a dentist for dental veneers, request a detailed price breakdown. Compare prices among a few top providers to get the most out of your treatment. The best dentist can answer all your queries about treatment and costs. The transparency they offer while avoiding hidden surprise costs defines their trustworthiness and credibility.  At Envoy Health, we aim for the best and thus partner with the best! Our partner clinics and doctors have a good reputation for providing exceptional results. Sign up now and gain access to unlimited care. Open doors for your dream smile with Envoy Health by your side. 


  1. Cost of living in the United States compared to Mexico
  2. Clinical Survival Rate and Laboratory Failure of Dental Veneers: A Narrative Literature Review


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    The average cost of veneers varies with the country and city you chose for treatment. For instance, the average cost of veneers in Canada is $1,100 per tooth. In the States, the same will cost you $1,000. On the other hand, prices in countries like Mexico or Turkey are quite low. The average cost of veneers Turkey is $260, which is quite affordable. 


    The full set of top veneers includes 6-8 veneers on the top teeth. They will cost between $6,600 and $8,800 in the States. On the other hand, getting the same in Mexico can cost between $2,700 and $3,600


    Veneers last for up to 10 years when you follow proper aftercare measures.[2] When you compare the various types of veneers, porcelain veneers last longer compared to composite resin veneers.


    The worth of full veneers depends on the issues you try to address. Since veneers do not cause any oral health problems, they are the best if you are looking for cosmetic purposes. Full veneers offer symmetry to your smile, imparting radiance and completeness to your smile. They are definitely worth it for cosmetic dental smile makeovers with an aesthetic aim.


    Luminers and veneers have advantages and disadvantages, and choosing between them depends on the goal of your treatment. Veneers typically offer long-lasting solutions compared to lumineers. However, lumineers are an excellent choice if you are looking for simpler solutions. This is because lumineers require less tooth preparation than veneers. For this reason, unlike lumineers, veneers are an irreversible procedure.


    Considering the cost of veneers in the States is $1,100 per unit, getting four veneers will cost you $4,400. Ideally, your dentist will suggest four dental veneers to cover the gaps, chips, or breaks of the front four incisors in a jaw.  


    The eight-veneer option addresses the moderate stains or chips of the four front incisors on both jaws. You will receive four veneers each on both the upper and lower jaws. Considering the cost of each veneer is $1,100 in the States, it can cost you $8,800 for eight veneers in the United States.


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