Cosmetic Dentistry Services: Debunking Common Misconceptions

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted August 30, 2024
Are you thinking about cosmetic dentistry services to enhance your smile? Don’t let myths and misconceptions hold you back. Get the real facts right here! An informed decision can bring you peace of mind on your dental trip. Keep reading to separate myths from reality and focus on your treatment.
Cosmetic Dentistry Services | Myths vs. Facts
Cosmetic Dentistry Services | Myths vs. Facts

Key Takeaways

  • Cosmetic dentistry services include various treatment procedures that add radiance to your smile.
  • Many consider cosmetic dentistry a one-size-fits-all option and a choice for wealthy people. In reality, cosmetic dental work is a tailored approach with a wider price range. 
  • Several misconceptions about the longevity of results, recovery, and safety still exist. The procedures are safe with varying permanence, and recovery periods.

Cosmetic dentistry services are gaining popularity globally, and the number of patients seeking cosmetic dental treatment is consistently increasing. The modernized lifestyle, increased disposable income, and the impact of celebrities and social media are all contributing to the rising aesthetic dental concerns.[1] [2] Many youngsters are choosing a smile makeover to add radiance to their smile rather than living a compromised life of hiding their smile back. 

While it's true that cosmetic dentistry covers a range of treatment procedures, some of them are quite expensive. The desire for a picture-perfect smile drives patients to choose dental tourism in popular destinations. However, some misconceptions need to be clarified about cosmetic dentistry as they can ruin your peace of mind. At Envoy Health, we believe that you deserve a stress-free dental trip. We picked some top myths and elaborated on the facts for you. Scroll down below to find them. 

Myth or Fact? Cosmetic Dentistry Services Are All About Teeth Whitening. 

Answer: MYTH

Details: Dental aesthetics don’t solely focus on the teeth' shade or color. Cosmetic dental work is a branch of dentistry with a broader sense. It aims to improve various dental aspects like tooth color, shape, size, symmetry, and alignment. Teeth shape and alignment can significantly impact your smile. Overcrowded, gapped, or irregularly shaped teeth can change your smile symmetry. Shifting the focus to the treatment procedures, you get a range of dental treatments, including whitening, veneers, crowns, inlays, onlays, bonding, teeth, and gum contouring. Your dentist will help you choose the right procedure tailored to your specific needs

Myth or Fact? Cosmetic Dentistry Often Comes With Hefty Price Tags and Is Only for Wealthy People.

Answer: MYTH

Details: While cosmetic dentistry is an umbrella term for a range of procedures, their cost range typically varies. It's true that some procedures, like zirconia veneers and clear aligners, are quite expensive. However, cosmetic dentistry isn’t limited to one or two heavy-priced procedures. The treatment also includes cost-effective dental bonding, composite fillings, or teeth whitening. It is worth noting that the cost of cosmetic dentist services varies with the procedure type, its variant, dentist, clinic, and city you choose for your treatment. 

For instance, popular cosmetic dental services porcelain veneers cost you $1,000 per tooth at a Stateside dental clinic. On the other hand, ultra-thin lumineers cost $1,300 per tooth. The extra cost is for less preparation time and advanced dental work compared to conventional types. On the other hand, by choosing dental tourism destinations like Turkey or Mexico for dental veneers, you can save substantially. For instance, porcelain veneers in Mexico cost you $450 per tooth. In case you choose the highly translucent zirconia veneers, they cost you $490 for a single unit. 

Suppose you choose other procedures, dental bonding is a cost-effective procedure. While we elaborated on the popular cosmetic dentistry services, veneers, and bonding, the price difference continues for other cosmetic dentistry services, too. 

Myth or Fact? Cosmetic Dentistry Services Purely Serve Aesthetic Purposes.

Answer: MYTH

Details: Of course, cosmetic dentistry services indeed aim to improve the smile appearance. However, the purpose doesn’t solely satisfy aesthetic expectations. It largely depends on the procedure you choose and your aim of choosing the treatment. Getting into details, let’s take an example of a cracked or chipped tooth! While a cracked or chipped tooth lowers the aesthetics, it also poses a risk for the tooth to experience breaks in the near future. You have a choice of getting dental crowns. While tooth caps can cover the tooth, concealing its flaws, they can also add strength to the weak tooth, preventing further damage. However, serving a dual purpose is not possible with cosmetic dentistry veneers. Dental veneers enhance tooth symmetry, shade, and color. They perform the least when it comes to strengthening the tooth structure. Summarizing the answer, it is worth noting that while cosmetic dentistry procedures aim for aesthetics, some procedures also have functional benefits.   

Myth or Fact? Anyone Can Perform Cosmetic Dentistry Services. No Specialist Required.

Answer: MYTH

Details: The most common myth regarding cosmetic dentistry is that it only deals with teeth whitening. When patients choose at-home whitening methods, it's common for a misconception to arise that anyone can perform cosmetic dentistry. However, it's not True. While cosmetic teeth services hold a broader sense, you can expect specific procedures that require advanced dental technology. Only qualified, certified, and experienced dental professionals can deliver you the expected outcomes. More importantly, cosmetic dentistry is more a skill than a science. The skill and proficiency of the dental professional you choose for your cosmetic dental work make the actual difference. We recommend that you not rely on any random provider and perform your research before choosing your dentist for cosmetic dental treatment. Check out the cosmetic dentistry reviews and treatment before and after photographs to gauge the quality of results. Further, attend a cosmetic dentistry free consultation with your dentist. Discuss all your dental concerns and know the treatment approach. Learn its pros and cons from your dentist. A specialist can answer all your questions efficiently.  

Cosmetic Dental Services
Cosmetic Dental Services

Myth or Fact? Results of Cosmetic Dentistry Services Don't Last Longer


Details: The longevity of cosmetic dentistry depends on the procedure you choose and the aftercare you follow. Various other factors like the quality of dental materials, the dentist, and the clinic you opt for influence the longevity of cosmetic dentistry results. Some procedures, like dental crowns [3], teeth, and gum contouring, offer long-lasting results. However, the results you should expect out of procedures like teeth whitening last for a few months. Hence, the illusion that results that cosmetic dentistry results don’t last longer will be a partial myth. It's worth noting that the specificity and accuracy of the longevity of cosmetic dentistry results largely depend on the aftercare you follow. For instance, cosmetic dentistry veneers can last for more than 10 years, provided you care for them well.[4] However, biting on hard objects and foods can lead to veneer chips or cracks, requiring a replacement. 

Myth or Fact? Cosmetic Dentistry Services Aren’t Safe

Answer: MYTH

Details: Cosmetic dentistry procedures like veneers and crowns require etching and reshaping of the tooth surface, respectively. It involves the removal of tooth enamel and some portions. Some consider it to be unsafe since removing tooth enamel causes tooth sensitivity.[5] However, a qualified and experienced dentist can perfectly evaluate candidacy to minimize the risks. They use cutting-edge technology for effective diagnosis. More importantly, accurate dental prosthesis fabrication is possible by utilizing technology like CAD/CAM. They use true smile design for a natural-looking smile. You can expect the best and safest results when you approach a reliable provider. 

Myth or Fact? Cosmetic Dentistry Is Not a One-Size Fit for All

Answer: FACT

Details: Cosmetic dentistry services follow a personalized treatment plan. There is no one size fit for every patient. Your cosmetic dentist will understand your dental concerns and evaluate your oral health condition. They will propose a treatment plan which is either a single or a combination of procedures. Dentists consider various factors, ensuring that the results are natural-looking while deciding on the right treatment approach. They consider the degree of impact of the treatment on your smile and its long-term success rate. Further, dentists also consider cosmetic dental surgery costs while recommending a specific treatment plan. 

Myth or Fact? I Can Undergo Cosmetic Dentistry Services With an Existing Dental Issue


Some consider cosmetic dental treatment even with an underlying dental problem. However, this is entirely case-dependent. It's because some cosmetic dental procedures like bonding, fillings, onlays, and inlays can address issues like chips and breaks. However, your dentist will not suggest dental veneers if you suffer from gum diseases or receding gums. On the other hand, dental crowns fill gaps and fix broken teeth concerns. They are also chosen to restore severely decayed teeth or those with cavities. So, the idea of getting cosmetic dentistry services with underlying oral health issues depends on the specific condition. 

Myth or Fact? Cosmetic Dentistry Is Painful and Demands Long Recovery Periods

Answer: MYTH

Dental treatments can cause anxiety, making you feel uncomfortable. Cosmetic dentistry procedures are simple. The chances of the procedure being painful are quite low. The use of sedation services dentistry offers a relaxing and comforting experience during your dental work. Most cosmetic dental treatments will be carried out under local anesthesia. Procedures like crowns and veneers require reshaping and tooth etching. Your dentist will numb the gums before carrying out the procedure. Rarely do they cause discomfort, and the best part is that you will recover and lead a normal life within no time. The recovery period for cosmetic dental work depends on the type of procedure. Treatments like gum contouring require minor surgery, demanding some period of recovery. However, the recovery is typically simple if your dentist adopts laser techniques. Lasers typically have minimal interaction and thermal damage to the tissue. Hence, the use of dental lasers minimizes bleeding promoting a faster recovery. So, the healing time and amount of pain and discomfort you may experience during cosmetic dental services are quite low than expected. 

Local Anesthetics for Cosmetic Dental Treatment
Local Anesthetics for Cosmetic Dental Treatment

After we debunk all the myths, are you interested in looking for cosmetic dentistry services near me? Learn the key red flags to consider when approaching a dentist for a smile makeover or cosmetic dental work.

Red Flags to Watch Out for When Opting for Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Here are some key warning signs one needs to consider while looking for cosmetic dentistry services.

  • Lack of credentials: Ensure that the dentist you choose is qualified and board-certified. Skilled and passionate dentists hold professional memberships in reputed organizations like the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Although not mandatory, it's recommended to choose certified professionals. It's because board-certified dentists stay updated on the advancing dental technology and offer better expertise.
  • Rushed consultations: Mark your dentist as red-flagged when they lack patience and remain silent when you ask questions. They need to understand your concerns patiently and elaborate on the pros and cons of your treatment. All while being transparent! 
  • No before-and-after treatment photos: Cosmetic dentistry is more of an art than a science. If your cosmetic dentist cannot provide you with before-and-aftercare photographs, consider them too young in the profession or claim a false reputation. You may mark them as red-flagged. 

Are you ready to make a confident decision? If you’re wondering about an effective way to begin your cosmetic dental work, we have a solution for you. Relying on trusted dental travel agencies like Envoy Health can minimize your stress. We partner with vetted dentists after a thorough verification. Sign up and reach out to qualified professionals. Begin your journey for picture picture-perfect smile with Envoy Health by your side. 


  1. Cosmetic Dentistry Market Size & Trends
  2. Impact of Social Media on Aesthetic Dentistry: General Practitioners’ Perspectives
  3. A Practice-Based Longevity Study On Single-Unit Crowns
  4. Clinical Survival Rate and Laboratory Failure of Dental Veneers: A Narrative Literature Review
  5. Patient Awareness of Soft-Tissue Irritants After Placement of Porcelain Laminate Veneers


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Dental procedures that enhance the way your smile looks are considered cosmetic dentistry. They work on various aspects, such as teeth color, shape, size, gum line, and gaps between the teeth. 


    Many consider cosmetic dentistry as a specialty that deals with the non-functional, aesthetic aspects of teeth. 


    Cosmetic dentistry services include various treatment procedures, such as dental veneers, crowns, teeth whitening, contouring, gum contouring, inlays, onlays, orthodontic braces, and aligners. Teeth whitening, clear aligners, and dental veneers are quite popular nowadays. 


    While dental implants are a part of restorative dentistry, some also consider them a cosmetic dental procedure. This is because they fill the missing gaps left by fallen teeth and cover the awkward gaps left over. Since implants impart completeness to the smile, they are also considered a cosmetic procedure by some people.


    Not all procedures in cosmetic dentistry are expensive. You have a choice of expensive veneers and cost-effective dental bonding under the wider spectrum of cosmetic dentistry. The best part is that you get premium options under the same kind of treatment options provided by cosmetic dentistry.


    Cosmetic dentistry can potentially offer solutions for various dental concerns. The different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures address various issues, including malaligned, irregularly shaped, chipped, cracked, broken, or discolored teeth. 


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