Cost for Dental Caps in Cancun, Mexico: Is It Worth Considering?

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted August 12, 2024
Dental care in your home country can be expensive. The reasonable cost for dental caps in Cancun can be an affordable escape from high costs near home. Read on to learn the numerous benefits that Cancun dental crowns carry. A confident decision offers peace of mind through your dental trip.
Cost for Dental Caps in Cancun, Mexico: Is It Worth Considering?
Cost for Dental Caps in Cancun, Mexico: Is It Worth Considering?

Key Takeaways

  • The cost for teeth caps in Cancun is far lower than that charged at the Stateside dental clinics. Per unit prices for dental crowns in Cancun fall between $120 and $600, depending on the type and clinic you choose. 
  • You can save anywhere between 70-85% by choosing Cancun for dental crowns.
  • Besides affordability, the choice also offers quality treatment at certified clinics. Getting treated by qualified and experienced dentists ensures the safety of your dental work in Cancun. In addition, Cancun offers a memorable experience during your dental trip. 

Dental care in the United States is quite expensive. However, some popular Mexican cities, like Algodones, Cancun, and Tijuana, are affordable choices for thousands of Americans and Canadians. Cancun, a resort city, is famous for its blend of quality yet affordable dental work and a memorable beach vacation. The Caribbean coastal city in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo offers a serene experience. The city is home to many quality dental clinics and reputed dentists. While Mexican dentistry is best known for its affordability, cities like Cancun offer a refreshing vacation experience for dental tourists. Who doesn’t want a break from the daily rush and immerse in tranquility?

Dental Tourism in Cancun
Dental Tourism in Cancun

Shifting the focus to dental concerns. Oral health problems are diverse. It's not the same for any two patients. Some experience severe tooth decay and require a root canal treatment. Depending on the severity of decay, your treatment varies. Minor decays settle with dental fillings. However, when the decay is severe, your dentist will suggest getting a crown. Some patients experience wear and tear and cracks in their teeth. Some weak teeth develop cracks and breaks while chewing hard foods. Your dentist restores the functions of a weak tooth using a dental crown. Suppose one or two teeth have fallen off your jaw. Your dentist will suggest filling in the missing gaps with a 3-4 unit bridge or dental implants that require crowns.  

Dental crowns are the tooth-colored, natural-looking, artificial teeth. They are also used for cosmetic dental purposes. Also called teeth caps or dental caps, they can be used:

  • To add strength to a weak, cracked, or broken tooth
  • On the severely decayed, root canal-treated tooth
  • To cover dental implants and stained or discolored teeth
  • For holding the dental bridge in place by anchoring on the teeth adjacent to missing gaps
Purposes Served by Dental Crowns in Cancun
Purposes Served by Dental Crowns in Cancun

Dental crowns in Cancun are indeed the best decision for your oral health. You can expect quality dental work at some of the best dental clinics in Cancun, Mexico. Further, the clinics are state-of-the-art equipped and offer a diverse range of crown types. More importantly, Cancun dentist prices are budget-friendly. The dental costs in Cancun are lower than those charged at the Stateside dental clinics. Here, we detailed the essential factors adding value to Cancun dental crowns. 

Quality Dental Crowns in Cancun: Best Dentist and Top Clinics

The quality of dental work in Mexico is more or less similar to that offered by the Stateside dentist. Especially the state-of-the-art equipped dental clinics in Cancun offer high-quality dental crowns. The results are natural-looking and last for a longer time. Some clinics in Cancun have pretty good experience in dealing with international patients. With over 35+ years in dentistry, our esteemed partner, Sani Dental, extends its services to Sani Dental Group, Cancun, and a trusted brand. This ADA-affiliated clinic is certified by the Mexican Council of Medical Tourism.

Further, our partner clinics, Cancun Dental Care and Dentavida in Cancun, also adopt higher sterilization standards for safe and quality dental work. The clinics here in Cancun are equipped with cutting-edge technology. Let’s look into the details now.

In Cancun, utilizing CAD/CAM for the design and manufacturing of dental parts allows precision and accuracy. Besides, the use of intraoral scanners also makes it easy and accurate to create 3-dimensional models of the gums and teeth. Further, the use of dental X-rays obtains a complete picture of the oral cavity. Moreover, printing the 3-dimensional models of dental crowns is quite easy with 3D DIO PROBO printers. The best part is that the clinics have in-house dental labs, which reduce the time required for customized crown fabrication. Only experienced and skilled technicians work here. 

Now, let’s shift the focus to the professional expertise one can expect in Cancun. The dentists in Cancun are no less than Stateside dentists. Some of them hold more than 20 years of experience. You get treated by qualified and skilled dentists in Cancun. Many of them are members of 

  • American Dental Association
  • Mexican Dental Association
  • International Team of Implantologists 

Some are certified at prestigious international schools like the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Johns Hopkins University. Knowing the dentist's qualifications and expertise can assure you of the treatment. Note that approaching Cancun’s best dentist in Mexico for crowns ensures the safety of your treatment

Diverse Range of Dental Crowns

Cancun dental clinics offer a range of dental crown types. These address oral health issues and cosmetic concerns, too. 

  • All porcelain/ ceramic crowns: These are composed of ceramic materials, such as white porcelain. Popular for their natural look, they are also the best choice if you are allergic to metals. However, ceramic crowns are prone to breaking and cracking and should be handled with care.[1] 
  • Porcelain-fused-metal crowns: These are also called the PFM crowns and are popular for their durability, strength, and color. They contain a metal base with a porcelain coating. While the metal base adds strength, the white-colored porcelain offers them a natural look.[2] Although this does not apply to many patients, some may develop metal allergies. Porcelain fused to gold crowns is relatively less allergic when compared to those with other metal bases. Because of the metal base, these are hardy and can withstand strong bite forces.  
  • Full porcelain E-max: Emax crowns are well-known for their clarity and ability to look natural. They are made from lithium disilicate and are highly translucent. For this reason, they are the best choice for cosmetic dental work. However, suppose you're considering crowns that add strength to the existing tooth. In that case, it's better to avoid them and choose the resilient and hardy types. But these are great if you are looking for crowns that serve cosmetic purposes.
  • Zirconia crowns: Zirconia crowns are made from high-quality zirconium dioxide. These metal-free biocompatible dental crowns in Cancun, Mexico, are highly aesthetic and truly natural-looking. Zirconia reflects the light in the same way as the natural teeth. This owes to their natural look. Being metal-free, you don't have to worry about the biocompatibility of zirconia crowns. They don’t elicit any harmful reaction from your body.[3]
  • All-metal crowns: They are made from stable metals like palladium, gold, nickel, or chromium. They are hardy mainly due to the metal surface. However, unlike ceramic crowns, they can be easily distinguished from your natural teeth mainly because of their color. The other disadvantage is that they may cause metal allergy reactions in some patients. Although they are cost-effective and durable, all-metal crowns are a traditional approach in dentistry.
  • Temporary crowns: These crowns are temporarily fixed on the reshaped tooth as part of the lengthy procedure. While they cost the least in Cancun, you will need to maintain proper aftercare until you get the permanent ones.  
Dental Crowns Types in Cancun
Types of Dental Crowns in Cancun

Affordable Mexico Dental Prices in Cancun

The cost of dental care in Mexico is far less compared to countries like the United States and Canada. Cancun is one of the best choices for Americans and Canadians seeking affordable dental care. The cost for dental caps in Cancun ranges between $120 and $600. If you are wondering, “How much do caps cost per tooth in Cancun, Mexico? We are here to answer. The highly durable, single metal crown costs you the lowest at $120 in Cancun. Suppose you choose the highly aesthetic zirconia crown. It would cost you $450 in Cancun. This price is pretty less when compared to the cost of dental crown Canada, which is $1,800. On the other hand, the same in the United States costs you $2,000. So, by choosing Cancun for dental crowns, you will save more than 75%.  

The best part is that savings in Cancun aren’t confined to the individual crowns. You will benefit by getting a full set of crowns, too. In the States, the cost dental crown without insurance is quite high. A full mouth done using crowns would cost you a fortune.  In Cancun, a full set of natural-looking yet durable PFM crowns costs just $4,600. Conversely, you will be charged around $22,000 for getting the same in the United States. Here, we tabulated the per unit costs for various types of dental crowns in Cancun, Mexico.

Prices decoded: How much are dental crowns in Cancun?

Dental Crown Type

Cost in Cancun

Cost in the United States

All metal



Porcelain fused to metal



E max (All porcelain) 






Porcelain fused to gold



#Prices are case-dependent and may vary slightly. 

The final cost of dental crowns in Mexico Cancun depends on the number and type of crowns required. Some patients also need additional procedures, such as root canals or implant fixation, which influence the final dental bills. 

Are you wondering about the procedure for getting dental crowns in Cancun, Mexico? Don’t worry. The procedure is simple and takes 3-5 days, and you will require two visits to the dental clinic. After initial evaluation, the dentist will locally numb your jaws and reshape the damaged tooth. This will allow it to accommodate the new crown. Once reshaping is done, they will collect digital impressions of your teeth. They will send these impressions for customized crown preparation. This can take a few days, and until then, you will rely on the temporary crowns that the dentist will fix. Once the permanent crowns are ready, the dentist will remove the temporary prosthesis and fix the permanent crown using dental adhesive

Are you impressed by the affordable yet simple procedure? You must be a candidate for getting dental crowns in Cancun. To get dental crowns, you will need a healthy oral cavity devoid of gum diseases. Further, parafunctional habits like teeth grinding or bruxism can disqualify you as a candidate. Teeth grinding can cause chipping and breaks in the new crowns, leading to failure. Our dental experts will perform an in-depth evaluation before deciding on your candidacy. Get in touch with us for a free initial consultation with qualified and experienced dental professionals. Our platform offers access to global health care. The tranquility that Cancun offers will be a refresher for your daily grinding. We believe everyone deserves better oral health and a warming smile that can melt hearts.   


  1. Retrospective Clinical Study Of Tooth‐supported Single Crowns: A Multifactor Analysis
  2. All-Ceramic Restorations: A Review Of The Literature
  3. What are Zirconia Crowns?
  4. Does Dental Insurance Cover Crowns?


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Dental insurance covers crowns when the patient requires them for restorative purposes. For example, crown costs are covered by insurance if the tooth develops cracks and breaks due to an accident or trauma. While cosmetic dentistry Cancun Mexico, is popular, the problem lies here. Insurance doesn’t cover the bills if you are looking for dental crowns for cosmetic needs.[4]


    The per-unit cost of dental caps in Cancun, Mexico, begins at $120 for durable all-metal crowns. If you are looking for durable yet white-colored porcelain crowns, each unit will cost $230 for PFM crowns. The aesthetic yet non-allergenic porcelain fused to gold crowns cost $600 in Cancun.  


    The choice of tooth cap in Cancun depends on individual requirements. If you are looking to fix breaks and cracks and add strength to the damaged tooth, sturdy PFM crowns are a better choice. On the other hand, if you are looking for crowns to satisfy aesthetic and cosmetic concerns, highly translucent zirconia or Emax crowns are ideal. Your dentist in Cancun will help you choose the right types of crowns specific to your needs.  


    The cost for dental crowns for teeth in Cancun is $720. This, along with the affordable cost of dental implants in Cancun Mexico, make the final cost of fixing one missing tooth at $1,550. Typically, the prices of crowns for teeth in Cancun include an abutment and a standard crown.   


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